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email support

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No Emails Except from TalkTalk

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 4

I am not getting emails even from me as a test. Tried a test from Talktalk and I got their confirmation email. None from outsiders


Chatty Man

Message 1 of 4

I appreciate your time to let me know that the deferred delivery was transient and not permanent. Thank you.


Deferred mail delivery can happen for a variety of reasons. High demand on the MX inbound mail servers, a lot of unauthenticated mail requiring scanning or maintenance taking place that reduces capacity, for example. Mail accepted for delivery is buffered and onward delivery to your mailbox takes place as soon as possible.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 4

Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear. This is not a permanent problem. I have been receiving email no problem, but that day at 1400, I was being sent emails and wasn't getting them. I sent myself a test email and that went but didn't arrive back. The status page showed all was OK so I did a test through Talktalk and got a confirmation code email straight away. At about 1630 all my emails came through and been all OK ever since. The emails all had the time of 1426, when they  were all sent around 1300. This must have been a problem at your server or gateway.

Problem closed

Chatty Man

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 4

Hi Crusader300 


  • Upgrade your mailbox password to lock out any mail collection service that may be downloading and deleting mail from your Inbox.
  • Sign in to webmail using the new password
  • Check that there are no filter rules defined.
    Webmail, main settings menu (triple line icon top right header on a desktop browser)
    Settings menu item
    Mail or Email (left hand panel)
    Filter rules - Delete any rules found
  • Compose and send the mailbox that you're currently signed in to (i.e. send to self) a mail message
    Check that the message goes into the Sent objects folder
    Check that the message arrives in the Inbox and stays there

If you've done all the above then there is nothing stopping mail from arriving in the online Inbox.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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