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Not receiving emails on iPhone

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Message 16 of 16

Hi there I’ve suddenly stopped receiving emails on my iPhone. I’ve checked all settings an there all fine but just keeps coming up with password not being entered which it is. My Email address is obscured for customer security

Steven Richardson

Message 1 of 16



I'm glad to hear this and thanks for confirming.




Message 2 of 16

That’s it now all good. Thank you. 

Steven Richardson

Message 3 of 16

Hi Nevx81, my apologies for the delay. I've sent a chaser to ask that those waiting to be unlimited are worked today.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 4 of 16

Hi Ady thanks for doing this tho it’s been over 48 hours an still not receiving emails on my iPhone. Thanks 

Steven Richardson

Message 5 of 16

Hi Nevex81, I've added your mailbox to those to be restored to normal function. Please allow 48 hours for the change to complete.



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Message 6 of 16

I've removed the images as they were revealing personal data. Yes, the iPhone email server settings are perfect.


TalkTalk Support will respond here to let us know the mailbox status.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message

Message 7 of 16

Hi I did reply I said all my settings are the correct ones. Here’s some snapshots an you can let me know.


Moderator note:  Images removed.

Steven Richardson

Message 8 of 16

TalkTalk Support need to pick up this topic, respond here, then authorise the switching on of IMAP / POP3 access for your mailbox for which the response time is 48 hours... assuming that your mailbox was restricted to webmail only as a result of continued use of insecure settings. But you've not given any details so I cannot tell what settings you were using before nor what you're using now.


It would have been good to have had a response to my question - "Have you recently updated the iPhone incoming and outgoing mail server settings? Perhaps as a result of seeing the notification from TalkTalk on continued use of insecure settings? It would be good to double check those settings with you."

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 9 of 16

Hi there do you know how long roughly it takes for full access to be restored as nothing as of yet. Thanks. 

Steven Richardson

Message 10 of 16

Ok thanks, I’ve checked all setting more than once an everything is correct as far as I can see. 

Steven Richardson

Message 11 of 16

I've asked that full access is restored for the mailbox email address that you will have added to your Community profile, Personal information, Private notes. (Do check it's there)

TalkTalk Support will respond here and then restore IMAP4 / POP3 access as soon as reasonably possible. Until full access is switched back on, use TalkTalk Mail webmail via an up to date Internet browser to keep in touch with email contacts.

Are you confident that no help is necessary checking email software for compatibility with TLS 1.2 encryption and the incoming and outgoing server settings in use? Did you identify the insecure settings on the iPhone? for example, SSL was not on or because ports 25 (SMTP) or 110 (POP) or 143 (IMAP) were used?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 12 of 16

Hi there yea my iPhone is the only way to access my emails apart from the webmai

Steven Richardson

Message 13 of 16

Good to know that webmail is working and that you can effect a password change.


Have you recently updated the iPhone incoming and outgoing mail server settings? Perhaps as a result of seeing the notification from TalkTalk on continued use of insecure settings?  It would be good to double check those settings with you.


But if the mailbox access for IMAP / POP3 connections has been switched off by TalkTalk as an action of last resort then that access will need switching back on to allow your iPhone to regain access to the mailbox via its email software.


Is the iPhone the only way you access your TalkTalk mailbox, other than webmail? Any other mail collection service / device connecting to your mailbox? All must use secure settings.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 14 of 16

Hi there done this. I’m getting into webmail an I’ve already changed password but still not getting any emails on iPhone after checking settings 

Steven Richardson

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 16

Hi Nevex81 


Two common reasons for not receiving mail on the iPhone and getting the password error:

  • The mailbox has been limited to webmail only access due to continued use of insecure settings. Check the webmail sign in.
  • The mailbox password has been discovered and the mailbox compromised, password changed and a Filter rule set up by a hacker. Tell me if your password recovery email address is not a personal domain '' email address.

If you saw the message from TalkTalk advising "Our records show that you are still accessing your email using unencrypted email settings..." then the email address receiving that notification has now been limited to webmail only access OR You may not be able to send mail. It's a last resort action by TalkTalk to stop the use of email connections not secured by TLS 1.2 encryption.


TalkTalk Mail webmail is secure by design when using an up to date Internet browser.

Select here: Sign in to TalkTalk Mail

Enter your full TalkTalk Mail email address and password, select Sign in. Check that you can compose and send and receive mail sent to the same mailbox address.


A stop on sending is easily resolved by not using port 25 for outgoing TalkTalk email addresses, using currently supported email software and secure email settings as shown in the Email Settings guide below.  If you've been sending from a personal domain email address using the TalkTalk servers and port 25 then that's no longer possible as all outgoing mail must be fully authenticated with the From email address as Username and the email password.


If your mailbox is limited to webmail only access for both sending and receiving mail, you will be able to get access restored to email apps or email software, including mail collection services, passwords will then re-authenticate, so long as you're ready to use supported email software and secure email settings for all the ways you view emails.


We can advise on device and software compatibility with TLS 1.2 encryption and provide customer setup guides. Just let us know each mail collection service, each device, its operating system and email software including version that are in current use.


For a definitive check of email settings take screenshots of the incoming and outgoing server settings, image edit to obscure the first part of the email address and upload here using the Camera icon (desktop browser) or Picture icon (mobile browser) above this reply area.


When you confirm the secure settings are ready I can request TalkTalk Support to restore full access. TalkTalk Support will respond here and access will be restored usually within a couple of working days.


Prepare for TalkTalk Support - include in the Community Profile (not in these public posts):

Email account holder name

Scroll down to Private notes to add the email address(es)
and TalkTalk or MailPlus customer account number

Check and Save changes

Select here: Update your profile


The TalkTalk Mail Support Hub is your go to resource for information, guides and Community support for TalkTalk Consumer home broadband and MailPlus subscribers.


Select here:
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GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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