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Not receiving emails sent to myself

Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 8

I occasionally need to send emails to myself for reference / use on different pc, or to cc myself.

I use Thunderbird and this process had worked mostly ok until today when I'm not receiving the emails in my inbox (  This has occasionally happened in the past when re-sending has worked.  Server settings are correct as recommended by TT using POP3.

I'm receiving other emails from various sources.

Wife's works when sending to herself in same Thunderbird client on same laptop.

I've closed and re-opened T/B with no change.  Not completely shut down laptop and re-started if that might make a difference

I haven't made any changes today to the T/B client.

Any ideas / views gratefully received



Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 8

Just tested and the problem is now, apparently, resolved.    Hoorah!    


Message 2 of 8

Yes, two other members have confirmed that tiscali to tiscali mail is now being received in tiscali mailboxes rather than rejected by the network filters. 


Mail rejected at a network level is simply not accepted for delivery.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 8

I have tried this morning and a message sent has come through.  Whether it means fixed I'm not sure.  Looking at other post, seems it has!  The ones I sent myself yesterday have not come through.

With regards the 2 previous posts, I spent quite a long time trying various ways to achieve what I wanted to do.  The fact it was not highlighted in the Service Status made this longer.  As there seemed no other incidents there, I'd have thought someone might have been available to sort this out as it was reported on Monday.  A comment such as "some people are having an issue with email forwarding"  and "we are investigating" may well have saved customers' time and frustration.

Message 4 of 8

How delightful to get theid seal of approval for a great post!


And for those that want to know more about incidents that are accepted for fixing, this one will be a Category 3 priority and will have team members assigned to work on a fix. I'm sure that is both helpful to know and helpful to know that a fix is underway.


Category 1 priority incidents are for a total loss of service for all users and Category 2 priority being a total loss of service for some users.  Under normal circumstances only Category 1 and 2 priorities get listed on the Service Status Dashboard. Priorities only then come into play if multiple incidents happen at the same time. i.e. The priority is to fix total loss of service for all as the top priority.


So there you are... another GREAT post hits the forum!

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 8

Gondola's response sounds great but actually doesn't help those of us who regularly use communication between our tiscali e-mail addresses.     It may not be a priority for talktalk but that's not the way their subscribers (i.e. customers!) see it.   


Message 6 of 8

There is an open incident report for mail to mail as the inbound TalkTalk MX mail servers are rejecting the tiscali mail. It's not considered a priority incident as it's not a loss of service so does not appear on the Service Status Dashboard. 


I'm sure that a reset of the CloudMark spam protection network filters ought to effect a temporary fix.


The longer term issue is to substantially improve the reputation of the domain by totally stopping the use of insecure mail connections and weak passwords that lead to spam being sent from tiscali mailboxes that have compromised passwords.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 8

I normally search to see if mine is a general problem.  I did this time but looked for the wrong thing.  Seems it is an incident at present so hopefully resolves.

but email service statement - no reported incidents.

And had to remember how to log in to this forum!

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