Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 31-01-2025 12:18 PM
I look after our church emails and we have a selection of email forwarding addresses.
This has worked well for many years but in the last couple of months all the incoming mails from users with a address have been bounced back with DKIM/DMARK errors. All other users are working normally.
I have been in contact with our provider Fastmail and they say that I need to get all my TalkTalk users to DKIM sign their mails. This obviously is not easy as I have no control on who sends us messages but I do have some regular TalkTalk users.
I would love to get this resolved so can you help please. I can send more details if requested.
Thank you
David B
on 31-01-2025 02:50 PM
Hi David B, our email team advise me that forwarding mail through our servers will no longer work. Only mail sent directly to or from our servers will be authorised. The DMARK error is as a result of Non TalkTalk addresses trying to send through our servers.
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