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UKgateway mailbox issue

Private Message TalkTalk
Private Message TalkTalk

Message 4 of 4

Hi Ady


I have got what appears to be this exact issue. Random emails not getting through. In fact, when I send a test email from my webmail account, it gives me this error message:

Message could not be sent to the following recipients: [*****.******] (554 - 554 5.2.0 KGYdqq74yrEXi Sender Denied (TT606)

I've checked my spam and junk folders and there is nothing there.

Got any ideas?





PS I may not see your response if my email isn't working! Could you use my community email?


Message 1 of 4

Good to know that you can sign in to the TalkTalk Mail online mailbox using the master UKgateway address.


Check the  Inbox first and then check  Spam and  Trash folders for mail messages that may have been diverted from the Inbox. Bear in mind the spam and trash folders normally contain mail not older than 30 days. This is to supplement the previous checks you made to check the spam and junk folders on an email client..


From webmail compose and self-send the same mailbox a mail message. Check that the message sends without error, is copied into the Sent objects folder and arrives and stays in the Inbox.


Mail not reaching the Inbox could mean there's a Filter rule, including an Auto forward which is a special filter rule, that's diverting, discarding or blocking mail.

  • To check, select the Main Settings menu icon      triple line icon top right on the blue header
    (Mobile browser? use the desktop version)
  • Select Settings from the top of the menu
  • Select the inward facing arrowhead by Mail (or Email) in the left side panel
  • Select Filter Rules
    If there's no rule defined, that's perfect
  • To delete a Filter rule including any Auto forward
    select the Dustbin icon    to the right of the rule
    The icon background will turn red    
  • To confirm you really want to delete this Filter rule
    Select the blue Delete button

Let us know of any error message, or if mail did not arrive in the Inbox or disappeared from the Inbox. Collecting mail messages with a POP3 mail account or mail collection service, like Gmail, may be deleting messages from the online Inbox.


Please confirm if you have found any filter rules as these should all be deleted or at least disabled for further troubleshooting.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks Gondola

I can confirm that I can log in to webmail with my master address. I have just received an email sent an hour ago. But I know there are others who can't send one including me from another email account.



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 4

Hi SHL01 


I've moved your post to a new re-titled topic for individual help. You'll be notified via your Community email but just come back to Community to reply to this topic.


The TT606 error is because Spam protection has been triggered to stop sending.


The UKgateway email address is showing as active and deliverable. It's an alias address for which you should have a master address usually of the form four letters and two numbers followed by @ and therefore the first question is can you sign in to TalkTalk Mail webmail using either the master or alias UKgateway addresses?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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