Get expert support with your Fibre connection.
on 09-03-2023 03:16 PM
I was with TalkTalk Fibre 65.
3rd Jan placed an order with Now.
5th Jan TalkTalk retentions offered a deal and I agreed to stay.
5th Jan Now was informed.
A cease was put on the line for some reason.
Somehow the line was switched from Fibre to ADSL without permission.
Every single order for Fibre is rejected by OpenReach.
TalkTalk refuse to contact OpenReach to ask them why and to resolve the situation.
OpenReach state:
I’ve looked into your enquiry and can confirm our systems are already showing that Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) is available to order. All you need to do is place an order with your chosen service provider to enjoy the benefits of faster fibre broadband.
If your provider has any issues placing an order, ask them to contact us directly.
TalkTalk refuse to contact OpenReach claiming of an order is rejected they have no means to do so as no reference number.
The only solution is a new line with a different number. This is not acceptable.
Can someone with some authority at TalkTalk contact OpenReach to ask why there are rejections?
I was told by Cube the line from the exchange to cabinet has been mis-labelled as Copper intead of Fibre and so will always be rejected. I do not know if it is true. I cannot speak to Openreach.
I am stuck.
on 09-03-2023 03:34 PM
@1Cherry1 You already have a thread about this active. I am closing this one as a duplicate.