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on 31-05-2023 04:52 PM
I had the above service installed today, but I do not have any WiFi connection between the new router and my desktop. I do however have WiFi connection to my smart phone. My computer runs on Firefox and I would be grateful if anyone could provide me with some advice as to how overcome this WiFi problem.
on 31-05-2023 10:38 PM
Or try Google? I had a quick look and found what seem to be a lot of helpful pointers.
on 31-05-2023 10:28 PM
Oh dear. No idea then. Hopefully another user can help.
on 31-05-2023 10:27 PM
My operating system is Ubuntu.
on 31-05-2023 05:54 PM
Not without knowing the exact specification of your desktop. The router does make itself "known" as you say, which I presume it has done to your other devices. Which operating system are you using?
on 31-05-2023 05:10 PM
Sorry about my terminology, but I'm not highly computer literate. I have tried to to connect to my new router via settings (I had hoped that the router would automatically make itself "known", but this does not seem to be the case. Any advice as to what exact steps I need to take?
on 31-05-2023 04:59 PM
Your computer does not "run" on Firefox, that is just an internet browser. You need to check your network settings in order to connect the computer to the router.