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How to use TalkTalk eero 6 with Fibre 65 (not full fibre)?

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 25 of 25

Hi. I have been with TalkTalk for a few years, and have just ordered an upgrade from Fibre 65 (FTTC) to Fibre 150 (FTTP). The install is a month away, and I received my eero 6 this week. I want to test the new router before the install to make sure it will provide good coverage (if it's unsatisfactory, I might cancel the new contract and get FTTP from another provider). I connected the eero 6 to my TalkTalk Sagemcom Wi-Fi hub yesterday, and the connection has been pretty awful. While I can get speeds of around 45Mbps sometimes (which is near the current wired speed), it's very inconsistent, especially further from the eero, often giving very low speeds or hanging mid-request. Among other problems, it seems it can't deal with other 'light' devices if it is servicing a 'heavy' device - e.g. while streaming in one room, a phone in a different room could hardly browse the web. I have tried using Google DNS instead of default TalkTalk DNS, but made no difference. I wanted to experiment with different 5GHz channels, or splitting out the eero into 2.4 and 5GHz, but these options don't seem to exist with the eero.


Have I misconfigured something? Are there things I can try? Is there a guide to using a TT eero 6 with FTTC? I would like to test this before Openreach install as I suspect just the one eero 6 won't provide adequate coverage throughout my home - two floors with thick walls. The Sagemcom TalkTalk Wi-Fi hub has reliably delivered speeds of around 30-40Mbps throughout the house over the last year. Is there a version of the Sagemcom Wi-Fi hub that can provide digital voice, and can cover a two-floor house with Fibre 150?




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 21 of 25

Have you disabled the WiFi on the Sagemcom Hub whilst testing the eero ?

If not, they could be interfering with each other.

I have a Huawei Hub on a measly 31 mbps connection however the link speed from the router to my laptop is 390 mbps and as the Sagemcom is the same specification its WiFi capability is well in excess of the incoming speed on Fibre 150.


One advantage of Hubs is that the SSIDs can be split and channels selected manually to best suit your local environment, from what others have posted I think the eero may be too smart for its own good at times.


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 25

Having said that, eero was one of the selling points of TalkTalk Fibre 150, so I would appreciate help getting this working properly please

Message 23 of 25

Thanks. Do you reckon it can do 150Mbps over two floors? Does it handle the digital voice too with or without the adapter? I see talk of a Hub 2 with a phone port - how do I get that?


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 25

You don't have to use the eero. it is just another bit of kit. Personally,  I much prefer the Hub. Which I have continued to use happily after my upgrade to Full Fibre.