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FIbre Support

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Private Message
Message 12 of 12

Hi, we recently moved houses and decided to have talktalk as our internet provider. We were told our connection should be live on 2nd March.


We were sent a router that was “received” by us 24 February but we never really managed to trace where it was delivered. So talktalk sent us a replacement one which was finally received on 4th March. 

We never had internet connection and until now, the light on the hub is flashing amber. We reported this and had an engineer visit yesterday who said we don’t have a connection due to planned roadwork and that I should receive an update today. Didn’t get anything.


Our work is dependent on the internet as we work from home. Surely if this was planned work, we would be notified? Why were we told connection would be live on 2nd? Also, would this take longer? 


Message 1 of 12



I'm sorry to hear this. As advised, please can you create your own topic and we'd be happy to look into this for you.





Message 2 of 12

@ichisdeno, to avoid any confusion on the thread, please always start your own topic when you need support.


You need to return to the message board and click on Start a Topic. 


Also, add your Talktalk landline number  / account number to your Personal Information in the profile area. SAVE CHANGES. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message
Message 3 of 12

hey guys! starting about 2 weeks ago out net has been choppy/alot slower than usual, after many many phone calls to talktalk they have sent us a new router which did not seem to fix the issue, we are currently using a bt openreach modem with a linksys wrt1990ac, which has done us fine for like 2 odd years now. the new router has a inbuilt modem what what i can gather but it just does not seem to want to connect to the internet and i am putting it down to the settings on the router itself which talktalk says otherwise, i am really at the end of my tether with it really and i have run out of ideas to see if i can get it working, since the setup i have atm seems to work but they seem to think the modem is faulty.


Message 4 of 12

Hi mk1994,


I've sent you a PM



Message 5 of 12

yes, we accept potential engineer charges and would be available generally mon-fri pm. If we are just informed of a date or more specific times, we will accommodate since we have to travel back from working elsewhere.


Message 6 of 12

OK if you'd like us to book the engineer can you confirm:


  • That you accept potential Engineers charges
  • Provide availability, either AM (8am to 1pm) or PM (1pm to 6pm) between Monday to Friday.
  • Confirm your mobile number

I've also sent you a PM to confirm some other details





Message 7 of 12

Yes please. Thank you Chris. If I can just get dates as well? We need to let work know as we need the internet


Message 8 of 12

I think the previous engineer was one of our engineers, I can arrange a visit from a BT Openreach engineer who hopefully should be able to resolve the problem




Message 9 of 12

Hi Chris,


Thank you for replying. An engineer has already been and he said there’s nothing he can do as this is an Open Reach line issue.I didn’t get anything done after this as the chat was disconnected for some reason. Can we also be updated as well please? I was promised to be updated but it seems like nothing is going on and my reported fault time line is blank.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 10 of 12

Hi mk1994,


The order appears to be complete so we can arrange an engineer visit to investigate. If you'd like us to do this please let us know and we'll confirm some details with you



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 12

I have asked one of TalkTalk's support to pick your thread up and investigate it for you.

They aim to respond within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) excluding Bank Holidays, but if more urgent you can always try the Service Centre on 0345 172 0088. The posts are responded to in time/date order, oldest first. Please try to avoid posting on here until TalkTalk has responded to you, otherwise, this will just put you further down the queue.

To save yourself time, please make sure that your community profile includes your first & last names, broadband phone number & if possible an alternative contact number. This can be done by clicking on your Avatar picture then click on "My Settings" followed by:-

Personal Profile > Personal Information

Otherwise, TalkTalk will not be able to tie up your forum username to your broadband account. Only you & TalkTalk have visibility of your details.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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