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New router

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5

I have been with talk talk for  many years and maybe 2 or 3 years ago was upgraded to fibre 35. I still have the old Huawei-HG633 and was not offered a replacement Wifi hub.

Recently the connection between my router and device is sometime 35 mps but at other times much lower - even 1.5mps. If I turn it off abs on again it is fine but I don’t want to keep going this.  
Should I have been given a new router please ? 


Message 1 of 5

Hi sjh24


Please can you send me a Private Message to confirm the name on the account, I can then send you a replacement router.






Community Star
Private Message
Message 2 of 5

Ok, issues with speed over Wi-Fi can potentially be caused by Wi-Fi interference, rather than by any fault with the router. But probably best to see what the support team here say tomorrow before we try to diagnose if it is a Wi-Fi interference issue, as the support team may just suggest that they send you a replacement Wi-Fi Hub to try, seeing as you are currently on an older model of router.

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 5

Thank you. I wasn’t sure if the 633 would support it fully. 
My devices are wireless 

I will add the info as requested 

thank you 

Community Star
Private Message
Message 4 of 5

Hi @sjh24,


You would not have been offered a new router automatically because the HG633 is fully compatible with the Fibre35 service, however if your router is having issues then the support team here would be able to help.


Do you have any wired connections, or are they all wireless, if you have wired connections, do they also suffer this drop in speed.


For one of the TalkTalk Support Team on this community to be able to look into this you will need to update your community profile to include :


  • Your name
  • Landline telephone number that your TalkTalk service is provided on (this is shown in ‘My Account’) OR add your account number to the ‘private notes’ section if you have Full Fibre with no landline
  • An alternative contact number

This will allow them to identify you, and they will then be able to help.


Don't post any personal details in this thread, just add them to your community profile (only you and the TalkTalk Support Team on this community can see your profile details).


Then they will hopefully be able to respond to this post tomorrow.