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on 26-01-2025 09:14 PM
I have been asked to help connect a DrayTek 2830 modem/router to a Fibre 65 Talktalk package(FTTC)
The Talktalk router connects normally but when I plug in the same wire and plug from the filter, the DrayTek DSL light flashes fast indicating it cannot connect
Inputing the Talktalk credentials
phone number at tt dot net plus
PPP OVER ATM(PPoA) using VC-MUX. etc doesn’t work
Any ideas?
The account was originally with tiscali if that is any help
many thanks
on 27-01-2025 07:50 AM
That is most helpful
Many thanks and best wishes
on 27-01-2025 05:44 AM
Just had a quick search on the internet for the 2830 and it looks like it only has an ADSL/ADSL2+ modem built in so won't be able to connect to VDSL (FTTC) services.
Vigor 2830 Series ADSL Router Firewall
on 26-01-2025 09:46 PM
TalkTalk has long used remote authentication so look for settings relating to IPoE with DHCP, or similar.
on 26-01-2025 09:31 PM
I assumed the fact it comes down the phone line from the cabinet to the house meant I should use the “non fibre” credentials
I will try the fibre ones
It still doesn’t answer why the dsl lights is flashing rather than solid
on 26-01-2025 09:19 PM
Have you followed the fibre set up described here?
From your comments it seems you are using the bon fibre Instructuons.