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Sagemcom router

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Wanted to change the password and name on my router, but I cannot get past the login stage, even when I input the TalkTalk credentials on the card. I spent well over an hour with various support people who could not rectify the problem, going through multiple methods until they gave up and passed me on to a more technically adept member. I have tried everything they suggested, and nothing has worked, I have also tried to log into the router via my phone to no avail.

Mr David J Armitstead

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

Thank you very much for this solution.🤗

Mr David J Armitstead

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

There are 2 passwords on the router, a WiFi one and the admin one.


Confusion sometimes occurs with this do double check it. Also if you have a O or 0 in the password try both variations. I've been caught out myself with this.


One way to get access if you are using the correct password should be to reset the router to factory settings by using the pinhole on the router. This should reset the username and password to the original values.


If you have already tried these options please post back for further advice when staff return tomorrow.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).