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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Returning Router as service finished

Message 3 of 3

Good morning, I understand that I need to return the Talk Talk router to you. How do I do that? I have read that I need to request a bag so I can return it. If that is the case, could you send me a bag so I can do so. If not, could I just send it in my own bag? Please let me know. 


Additionally, I need to point out, that no one has ever told me that I need to return my route, how or when. I had to search the information online myself. I would not like to be cynical, but is this the way Talk Talk makes sure that 'ex customers not returning their old routers' are charged an extra £50?.  I sincerely hope not. 


Account Number ends in xxxxxx0356. And my post code ends in XXX 1XG. If you need further information like my home address, please let me know.


Looking forward to hearing from you so I can return this router asap. 


Many thanks, 


Isabel Bermudez

Isabel Bermudez

Message 1 of 3

Thank you, Gliwmaeden2, I have completed the information. 

Now, let's wait for that bag 

Many thanks again.


Isabel Bermudez

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3



If you complete your community forum profile details, via your avatar, settings, Personal Information and SAVE CHANGES, staff will have all the information they need to send you the returns bag.


Full details about cancellation processes are here:


It's recommended that you do speak to Talktalk on 03451 720088 [not open Sunday] to confirm the cease date of your service etc.


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.