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+6 Months wait for Connection?

First Timer
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Message 2 of 2

I am a patient person, however I was sold Full Fibre back in May 2023, and completed a contract.


Openreach sent out an engineer who advised installation would just require approx 4 Meters of digging to connect the line to the house, and they would be out next week.


Fast forward a couple of weeks after no show. Spoke to Talk talk who advised order had been cancelled? Not by Me.  After a lengthy convo, this was reversed. and we are back on track.


Chased again a little time later, and was told via e-mail that my order was once again cancelled, as all of a sudden, Full Fibre not available in my area (weird as the lines had been installed 4 meters from the house by Openreach, and previous convo with engineer?   Back onto chat, and order confirmed as actually not being cancelled,  Bank on Track?   but still waiting


Eventually got to August, still nothing , Bank onto Talk Talk.   Guess what- Cancelled again?  went through chat, which resulted in another engineer coming to the house, to once again advise simple installation, and would be done maybe next week?


E-Mail received from Talk Talk, advising installation date now being 1st December.  TBH I had exhaustion from dealing with Chat again, so thought whatever..


Then..  Exciting.   Had a phone call from Talk Talk Wednesday  27th Sept.  ( Real person on phone!!) advised that Engineer would be installing on Monday 2nd October, and someone would need to present at the Property.  As After 6 Months, I though I am not mossing this, so booked a day holiday from work, excited about finally having some decent internet ( Wife and I both work from home 2 days a Week Btw).   Got to 11am , guess what. no one arrived yet.  so I contacted Talk Talk , to be advised (You guessed it!)  Order was cancelled again.. !!  


After much discussion, it turns out that Openreach did not have permission from council to (Presumably) dig up 30cms on path to lay the cable?) , so they just cancelled???   Would have been nice to know about this, before wasting a holiday day ( Not much left now)


Its all good though, as I have now been promised again that all is well, and the installation should be done soonest as Priority 🙂   ( Btw - The previous 2 convo's advised this was a priority also!)


Is anyone else having, or has had a +6 Months mission to try to get Full Fibre,  or is this the norm?

I was going to go Virgin , but Talk Talk had promised so much, and delivered..  erm nothing!!


Still,  I am an eternal optimist, so see what happens in the next 5-7 days / Weeks / Months?


Talk Talk - Please take control of this, and do what you can to provide a service , as promised?





Support Team
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Message 1 of 2

@KSpeed29, Do you have an order number?   can you add it to your community profile I can chase this up.