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Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13



I have been hearing that the 'engineers' have been disconnecting the old copper connection at the exchange BEFORE attending for the install. As this is not acceptable to me and therefore have very little trust in what will actually happen, I wish the cancellation of the 13th November install please. I have already gone through the route of telling the adviser I will not accept the installation where it currently is. Having been told to let the 'engineer' see where it can go when he arrives. Considering this is 2 totally different teams who install the fibre to the premises and who installs in the household, I find this something I doubt would happen. Hence, requesting cancellation as I do NOT want to get left without a line.


City Fibre already came and looked around where I requested it should go but not a thing has happened since! No contact, no confirmation, no advising me if the move can happen etc etc. I prefer to stay as I am with A RELIABLE AND STABLE 75MBPS.


As there is no contact method other than questions and change of date, all I get is as above!!


Message 1 of 13

Hi MerlinBengal


I can see that Chris is dealing with the home phone issue on your other thread , a line engineer will have to go out, which he will arrange ASAP. 


In relation to the question about cancellation fee currently it is £112.68. 




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 13

New thread here:


Topic closed for new comments.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 3 of 13

New phone, new cables, no line!!!


What on earth is up with you people.


No dial tone, exchange fault!!! Continual engaged when number rung. Exchange fault. PLEASE GET THIS RUDDY MESS SORTED. ALSO SUPPLY DETAILS OF THE BUY OUT TO GET RID OF TALKTALK FOR ALL SERVICES.


Message 4 of 13

Been on the phone an hour to faults today and we STILL did NOT get to the testing!!! It is infuriating. Some of us are ex BT engineers, we do  not need to be talked through 'is the phone plugged in, do you get a dial tone'. I had already stated the line is not connected to the phone equipment either in the exchange or if my house, an open cable after the box. I have changed the cable with the same outcome. Have a new phone coming later today. Having used a new cable already, unless faulty, the only other way is to replace the base station and phone. If the adviser had run a simple test, they could have told me if they could in fact 'see' my box on their test software.


But no, let's waste and entire hour and still not get to the actual test. 


God help me if I worked the same way when I was with BT.


First real time I have had trouble with TalkTalk but can now see why people get so infuriated with the constant 'going around in circles'.

Message 5 of 13

I have not found My Connection fault markers to reliably inform me about the status of faults and have reported this frequently. 


Will flag this for you, @MerlinBengal.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 13

Gone to check the fault activity today and the fault marker is gone. No record of a fault report at all. So just what on earth is going on??????? Phone is still out, giving engaged tone. Fault IS at exchange. PLEASE PASS TO SOMEONE TO GET THIS FIXED. Also, how do I buy out of this contract with TalkTalk??? My contract expires 10.2024


Message 7 of 13

Single white light on router as should be. Phone line is inactive at exchange. Yesterday it would ring at the exchange, today a continual engaged tone. Phone is fine it itself as proven 100% working. Phone plugged in to test socket and no change. Exchange fault. Phone screen showing 'no line'.


Mobile coverage here is totally crap, missed calls as does not connect from repeater. Goes straight to ansa phone. 

Fibre install was not cancelled as they turned up at 1300 on the Monday. Showed them where it would need to have cables run to outside house but unable to do so as the garden is slightly (?1) overgrown in that area. Had I known they would turn up out of the blue I could have got this area cleared the day before.


Line test proves fault and now an open case.





Message 8 of 13

Hi MerlinBengal


Just to clarify, your line is not disconnected , full fibre orders where cancelled , if your phone line is not working this may be a fault, are you able to attach your landline to the master socket and also the test socket behind the master socket.  


What lights are showing on your router?


Message 9 of 13

Just had the hospital trying to contact me via the landline and guess what? The line is dead!! No connection. Phone showing no line!!


I told you these ruddy cowboys would disconnect the line didn't I?!!


Now get it reconnected please and do NOT contact me again regards the flaming fibre install, I DO NOT WANT IT!!! FOR THIS VERY REASON.


I also have a very poorly cat at the animal hospital and they too have been trying to contact me with important information.  The landline is critical for this household, my mother being vulnerable and needing instant access to the medical professionals. Having Age Related Macular Degeneration and severe arthritis means she is unable to see and use a mobile and hence the landline is critical.


Please contact the morons who disconnected this service and preferably sack them after they reconnect me.


You also failed to stop them attending the CANCELLED AND NEVER CONFIRMED APPOINTMENT LAST MONDAY!


I think my time with TalkTalk is now over as it appears no one knows what the hell anyone else is doing or has any control of them.


More than prepared to raise this to full complaint and OFCOM.


Message 10 of 13

Thank you, I will ask the provisioning team to carry out your request. 


Message 11 of 13

Sorry Arne


Forgot to tell you I answered the questions early this morning. Thankyou.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 12 of 13

Hi @MerlinBengal


I can help with this I first need to confirm some security questions

I have sent you a PM on the community


Anonymous User