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Full Fibre Upgrade....or not

Private Message
Message 12 of 12

Was upgraded to Full Fibre today via Freedom Fibre after receiving an email from TalkTalk saying this would be done free of charge. The engineer came, installed the new box etc. and all seemed to be working fine at the higher speeds of 150Mbps. Had reason to unplug the box to tidy up wires etc. and plugged back in. The router then wouldn't connect. Rang TalkTalk, on hold for about 40 minutes with the call centre lady going back and to to the Future Fibre team. Basically said I wasn't a Future Fibre customer and was still on the old package even though they said it was a free upgrade and it had been working fine for around 3 hours. Eventually told to ring the Fibre team direct on 0345 172 5146. Rang that number and similar debacle with another agent, no clue what was going on, back and to again to their "technical team" who again said I didn't have Future Fibre to which I said, funny that it's been working for 3 hours. Eventually came back and said "it's out of our scope" and would need to ring Freedom Fibre direct on 0345 172 5139. Rang that, answered as TalkTalk and closed for the day so will have to try tomorrow. Fortunately managed to unplug the new box from the router and re-plug in the old copper line connection and at least I have broadband again at the original slower speed I had. Both customer service agents were as helpful as they could be and not their fault but clearly the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing, bit of a shambles really.


Message 1 of 12



I've passed the details to our provisioning teams but they have advised that Freedom Fibre is currently being managed by our model office teams so you would have to contact Freedom fibre via the number they gave directly. 


We may be able to locate a contact internally however as today is a Bank Holiday, many of our internal points of contact are unavailable.



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Message 2 of 12

They should be there now.


Message 3 of 12



Can you add the account number or home phone number to your 'Community Profile' so I can pull up your details and look for the fibre order.




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Private Message
Message 4 of 12

I've tried connecting a laptop through an ethernet cable directly to the ONT and it just says it's an Unidentified network with no internet access. I don't have an FTTP reference as far as I'm aware. The existing Fibre 65 is working once I inserted the original cable from the phone socket back into the router. After the engineer had originally installed it, he had left this out and the Full Fibre connection was working. As you can see below, speeds of c. 150Mbps were being achieved until I unplugged the ONT and then it wouldn't reconnect. I suppose if there's a crossover period, it makes some sense but no one ever mentioned this nor does it explain why it initially worked straight away.





Message 5 of 12



The lights are correctly on, so indicating a connection to the fibre network.


Your existing fibre 65 line will still work as there is a crossover period before this is turned off. It usually takes about 10 days after the full fibre is live, to update the main account here, but the full fibre should be working.  Are you able to try and connect a device wired to the ONT, so a PC or laptop etc and see if that can obtain a connection.


Also, can you add your account number or ab FTTP referance number etc if you have one, to your 'Community Profile' so I can locate your details.




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Private Message
Message 6 of 12

The Power, PON and Port are all solid green. As I've said before, the problem seems to be that the router won't connect as TalkTalk still says I'm on Fibre 65 not Full Fibre despite the fact that it worked before simply switching the plug from one socket to another. 


Message 7 of 12



Can you tell me what lights are on the ONT currently ?



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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 8 of 12

Sorry that made no difference. The issue seems to be that despite TalkTalk saying I was being upgraded to full fibre, my account still says I have Fibre 65 so the router won't connect but the copper line still works. Bit bizarre though that it worked and I was getting 150 Mbps before it was turned off.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 9 of 12

Apologies but I had to ask the question, you said that it worked fine until you unplugged the cables and didn't work once they were plugged back in so seems perfectly reasonable to ask you to confirm that the cables are connected correctly. You probably not going to like my next request either but could you switch the ONT and router off for 30 minutes then switch back on and retest. Sorry about this but we have to check.




Message 10 of 12

That suggestion's up there with "turn it off and on again", er no, that's not the problem at all.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 11 of 12

Hi PEgerton,


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your service. Just a thought but as it only stopped working when you tidy up the cables, is there any chance that you've connected the cables incorrectly?
