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Grandstream will not register phone plus other issues with FF150 + voip

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 86 of 86

I am a long-time TalkTalk/Tiscali customer (more than 20 years!). I had been on what I found out was FF65 plus copper landline for more than 2 years. My plan came to an end and I suddenly started getting charged north of £33 per month after being on low £20s for the previous plan.

I got in touch with TT and they advised me that my best offer would be FF150 + Voip.

So I agreed to the upgrade.

They organised an Open Reach Engineer to come and "install" the system.

My equipment arrived by post.

I chatted with TT and asked if I could install the equipment as I already had FTTP and asked if I really needed an engineer visit. We agreed that I would install the Eero and Grandstream as I already had the working FF65.

I got the Eero up and running with the Grandstream connected and interacting with the Eero.


The engineer came at his allotted time and checked my installation and said he had been asked to install a completely different fibre to cat6 (OTR?) router, but advised that this wasn't necessary. 

He checked what I had done and said it is all connected correctly, and to wait until TT switch me to the FF150 plus voip.

So here is the problem:


My switch day was 17th July.

I received a text from TT to say that my FF150 package had been activated.


I checked this and found that my speed was still the same as the FF65 and my telephone only worked on the old copper line. 

I therefore assumed that my new package had not been activated.


Back on to TT chat on 18th July am. I was shuffled around a few "experts" and told to give it a little time.

Later that day my copper telephone connection dropped. So I checked again.

Still same speed as FF65 and my grandstream voip box said "device not registered"

I got back on to TT chat in the afternoon of the 18th and was tossed around like a hot potato between all sorts of very polite "experts" and after more than 2.5 hours! I was told that the system needed to adjust itself.

I've now waited for the system to "adjust itself" but I still have the same FF65 speed and the same "device not registered from the voip box.

I've reset the Grandstream, I've turned off and on the Eero, all to no avail. still FF65 speed and same voip box message.


Oh and I also got an email from TT saying the package was switched on!


I'm not wet behind the ears with computers and still think that TT haven't properly checked that they have "switched on" my package properly.





Message 81 of 86

Hi Michelle, 

A TT support engineer called me yesterday, explained the problem and booked an Open Reach engineer to visit me today. 


I'll update after visit.


Thank you.




Message 82 of 86



I'm sorry for the delay. Thanks for the update and please let us know how you get on.







Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 83 of 86

Just getting used to the bulletin board. 

Thank you.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 84 of 86

I bit the bullet and called TT full fibre support today. The call was promising, but I have to wait 3 to 5 days for a "resolution". At least they set up call forwarding to my mobile while they are resolving it.


They did confirm that FF150 was set up AND that I was still on FF65 as I had suspected. They are going to attempt to "align" my account.


I'll update when I have any news.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 85 of 86

Thanks for starting your own thread, @btcolin.


It's now in the queue for attention. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.