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Help with finding my Posts

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6


     I have been posting on this excellent Community Forum for years. Many thanks to everyone that has helped me over the years.

I feel very guilty about asking these questions, but either I've become senile or TT has changed its methods.

Q1 )    How do I access my own posts rapidly, after logging in?


Q2)     How do I re-access my old account on the Forum?  ( I've had a traumatic time with accesss to all my communications accounts during Dec., after I changed my password and immediately got locked out of all accounts. I've had to set up a new Community Forum acc. with my Gmail address to post here, but still cannot access my old acc.)

Happy New Year to you all,




Message 1 of 6

Hi GW2,

               Again a super answer to my question. What would this old codger do without you!

I have even got back into my old acc., thanks to you and Divsec.

I'll close this thread, if I may.

Have a very happy and healthy New Year,



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 6

Hi @NoviceJohn that's great news, if you feel like closing out the thread please mark one of the replies as solution, this will help others to not offer further help.

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.

Message 3 of 6

Hi Divsec,

Very many thanks.

Your suggestion worked!


In my travails in Dec., when I lost all access to my TT acc's., I must have forgotten the third 4  in my user name.

Thanks to you being more careful than me and through my new Community acc., I accessed my old account.

I still cannot access the old account directly thrrough the log-in process, but hey, ho, I'm not going to try to do so, by changing that password and risk another traumatic 3 weeks of being locked out of TT.




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 6

@NoviceJohn, there's a tab called ACTIVITY in the profile area, where you can find threads you have posted on.


So, to the right of Profie, click on Activity:



Or, if you can remember which board you were on, anything you posted there shows up if you bring up the menu here:



So beneath "start a topic" and to the right of the board name, in this instance Broadband. I clicked where you see a blue disc with white lines and dots. It brought up My Posts, at the end of the row below it.



Looks like lines with dots before you click on it and after you have selected My Posts. 


Hope that helps!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

Hi @NoviceJohn I suspect your old account was John30444, with no spaces if you use the search to the right of your avatar you should get there.

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.