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Is this a scam

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

I received a txt saying its from talktalk -- I put in the xxx to hide personal info but it was correct. Here is the txt


Hi, it's TalkTalk. We're upgrading your home to Full Fibre broadband with Digital Voice, free of charge. You'll get faster average speeds of 152Mbps, that's more than 2x faster than your current service. Your upgrade is part of a wider digital broadband switchover happening across the UK.  

The upgrade can take 2-3 hours and someone over 18 will need to be at home. Our network partner, CityFibre, will arrive on xxxxxxxx between 1PM - 6PM for the installation at No. xxxxxx at postcode ending xxxxxx
Reply CONFIRM if this date works, CHANGE to reschedule or MORE for more info. 
So is this lidgit, I googled the phone number it came from and only got a couple of results that suggested it was a scam number.
First of all any work that has been done at my property has always  been done by open reach and not city fibre.
The date they suggested is not suitable and anyway I am about to re negotiate my soon to  end contract and may not even want to get rid of my copper line due to not liking where they may need to fit new equipment.. 
So what will happen if I just ignore the txt. I dont want to come home from a day out and find they have fitted the external infrastructure to my house.
If it is city fibre (never heard of them or seen any vans around here ) will they be coming overhead from a pole as current or does that only belong to open reach - the pole has the full fibre installed at the top already. Or do city fibre have an underground set-up that will need to dig up my drive.
Thanks Forum peeps

Message 1 of 3

Thanks. Its just that I have never seen a city fibre van around here ever its always been open reach. Last time I had issues here i spoke to the open reach engineer about future installation of full fibre and they pointed out to me the full fibre connections box on the top of the pole across the street.

I think I need to start a new thread about installation



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

It's legit.


TalkTalk have various partners in different areas.


Openreach may not have the infrastructure to do the required work in your area hence City Fibre.


If you don't want it use change and there may be an option to decline. If not then phone to cancel or do this anyway if you have concerns.


Try phoning 0345 172 0088

Opening Hours can be found here -


You may already be aware that copper is being turned off so will have to go fibre at some stage.


I have recently upgraded and my line came via the existing poles, albeit Openreach and not city fibre.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).