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Long story - no internet

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Private Message
Message 24 of 24

Last year we got an email telling us that we would be upgraded to Faster Fibre at no extra cost. City Fibre had just finished cabling the street. The guys came on 21 October and told me that all that was now needed was for TalkTalk to sync the new router. Despite calls and other chats, this never happened. We gave up. We still had broadband over the old copper connection.

Last week, the connection appears to have failed or been cut overnight. Several chats later, an 'engineer' from Qubeuk attended on Monday. He couldn't solve the problem and told me that we would need Openreach to come out. He called them and gave them my number so that they could arrange an appointment. He literally ran out of the house.

Heard nothing and contacted TalkTalk again with the usual palaver. Eventually was told by the Complaints guy that I really needed City Fibre. Heard nothing from them today and the fault has now been closed. 

Sadly our contract still has 5 months to go or I would just leave.  

Any suggestions for getting our internet restored?


Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 21 of 24


The ONT box has four green lights.

I plugged the cable with the red connection directly into my laptop. Unable to connect after putting in the WiFi password. Message is 'no internet, secured'



Not applicable
Private Message
Message 22 of 24



I'm really sorry to hear this. Can I just confirm, what lights are currently on the ONT box? Is there also no connection if you connect directly at the ONT box with no router connected?




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 24

City Fibre and Openreach are completely different firms, @AngryMum. For your current service, Openreach is suitable, for the potential service, it sounds like Talktalk may have a deal with City Fibre In your area.


It may simply be that your current service has developed a fault, rather than something going on with the upgrade.


Staff will be back during the day. Make sure that you have added your Talktalk landline number to your community forum profile details for TT staff to identify your account. Go via your avatar/name; settings; Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.