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8 hours ago
I am having trouble connecting to some websites this morning:
Using TalkTalk I get:
poelab.com took too long to respond.
If I switch to using my virgin media connection they connect and work fine.
23 minutes ago
Hi @cltrr
Please refrain from continually posting on other people threads as this delays our response and can make it difficult for others to follow the thread.
This is also against community guidelines. If you continue I will Ban you from this community.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
28 minutes ago
@cltrr you have been asked by 3 separate people to follow the forum guidelines.
This thread belongs to @AdeleaSN and unless staff feel so inclined will be the ONLY person to get a specific reply.
Continually posting on another's thread is seen as spamming under forum guidelines and can, in certain circumstances, result in a ban.
Guidelines can be found here
52 minutes ago
@Chris-TalkTalk Are you using a different gateway by any chance? It might be that only certain a gateway(s) are affected by this issue.
The one to look at is typically the first hop after you ISP router which is considered the gateway.
Maybe do a traceroute to compare your path to the sites mentioned. Here's mine and as you can see there's no path to the host still:
Github.io Traceroute
Poelab Traceroute
55 minutes ago
@DJI_MINI_2_SE wrote:You will push this thread further down the queue not "Bump it to the top" as support work on oldest threads first
Well it seems to be working as staff just replied to the thread a moment ago.
an hour ago - last edited an hour ago
"Maybe we can ask OP if he minds us responding to his thread and keeping it bumped at the top"
Unfortunately you seem to misunderstand how the forum works!
I pointed out the reason you need to open your own thread and Gliwmaeden2 asked you to do the same if you keep disputing the forum rule you will push this thread further down the queue not "Bump it to the top" as support work on oldest threads first, please open your own thread as instructed by Gliwmaeden2 and if you don't like the forum rules feel to take that up with staff in the relevant forum.
an hour ago
Hi AdeleaSN,
I've checked the two websites and I seem to be able to access them OK, are you still experiencing the same issue?
Chris, Community Team
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2 hours ago - last edited 2 hours ago
@DJI_MINI_2_SE Unfortunately nothing specific can be asked in this case, this is affecting many customers not a single one.
All the issues related to this are identical. It's not your usual issue where every customer is experiencing something different.
It's up to TalkTalk engineers to fix the peering issue, either on this gateway or return us back to the usual BNG/Gateway.
7 out of the past 15 replies to this thread have been in relation to not using the same thread, so I'd suggest that you/others are derailing the conversation on the actual issue rather than me/others who have replied.
Maybe we can ask OP if he minds us responding to his thread and keeping it bumped at the top?
2 hours ago
Yes - there's also the fact that the original poster may not appreciate getting their inbox swamped with notifications. Better if affected customers can follow forum guidelines - these are there for a reason and from long years of experience!
2 hours ago - last edited 2 hours ago
Not sure what the obsession is with creating a new thread for an identical issue, very weird.
Especially when customers are already annoyed with the issue, instead of addressing the actual issue you're telling us how to use the forums.
The reason is if staff usually need more information from member some of this may be private or they may need to ask specific questions which may not be able to be answered immediately it can make it hard work when several customers are all using the same thread far better to keep them separate hence the request.
2 hours ago - last edited 2 hours ago
@AdeleaSN wrote:Hi,
I am having trouble connecting to some websites this morning:
Do they work when using the links below -
2 hours ago
@DJI_MINI_2_SE Staff have already responded to another thread on the issue.
Our network teams are currently investigating these reports.
Not sure what the obsession is with creating a new thread for an identical issue, very weird.
Especially when customers are already annoyed with the issue, instead of addressing the actual issue you're telling us how to use the forums.
2 hours ago - last edited 2 hours ago
"I am also having an issue with access to github.io. Can we please get clarity on the issue? It is not acceptable as some of us work from home and need this access.
I will seriously consider leaving talk talk. Abysmal service"
Wow you hijack another members thread ask for clarity and before giving time for a staff to respond throw your toys out of the pram and call it abysmal service and say you are considering leaving, as already explained support staff will only deal with the customer who opens the thread you need to open your own.
4 hours ago
No, Im not using the Eero router. I couldnt see how to turn off its DHCP functionality, so it went back into its box right away.
4 hours ago
@cltrr, the response is NOT the same if everyone piles on one thread - multiple replies slow down the progress of the original post in the workflow to reach staff support, so delays the response to the OP.
Then it's recorded as only ONE incident because it has only one topic posted.
That's why it's not helpful to post "me too" comments. If everyone experiencing an issue posts their own topic that algorithm will calculate a much more realistic assessment of the scale of the problem and a resolution will be prioritised.
4 hours ago
@cltrr this is a requirement of the forum, one thread per person, unless staff instruct otherwise.
4 hours ago
I am also having an issue with access to github.io. Can we please get clarity on the issue? It is not acceptable as some of us work from home and need this access.
I will seriously consider leaving talk talk. Abysmal service.
4 hours ago - last edited 4 hours ago
@fr8ys The issue is identical. It would make no sense to create multiple threads related to the same exact issue.
The response that would be given would be the same across the board as is the issue.
4 hours ago
Please start your own thread as each case is considered unique and it is easier for support to be given to one person per thread and also less confusing.
To start your thread click the Browse button, then Help With Your Service and select the appropriate category. You will then see a Blue Button "Start A Topic"
Please also note that you should only post back on that thread and not start another on the same topic as multiple posts cause delay to you and others seeking help.
Thank you
5 hours ago - last edited 5 hours ago
I am also incurring this same issue which came about at ~01:00AM
At this time the gateway switched from the usual one to and I now have a IP address in the 213.78.xxx.xxx range which isn't typical for TalkTalk.
The issue seems to be affecting TalkTalk's connectivity to many, but not all CloudFlare hosted sites such as the ones mentioned. The site is unreachable and if you attempt to ping the IP there's no route to it.
The issue has nothing to do with the Eero or the settings on it as I am using my own router and incurring this issue, it's a peering issue on TalkTalk's side.
Here's a trace-route and as you can see there's no path to the host.
Traceroute to Github.io
Other websites such as t.me (telegram shortner) or telegram.org are also not loading (again no path to host). There's definitely many many more examples but these are the ones i've just initially faced.
The issue has also been reported on other platforms such as here as being affected: https://status.wix.com/incidents/3k4q85qjy79n
Would be great to get some insight on the cause of the issue and a timeline of when it can be resolved. Especially since a significant portion of the sites I use are behind CloudFlare are affected by this issue.
6 hours ago
I'm also having the same problem, certain sites aren't getting through, with the same message. It started happening shortly after midnight last night. I'm using the TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub so I doubt this is a Eero issue.