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Switch to full fibre or leave talk talk?

First Timer
Private Message
Message 7 of 7

Hello. I had the same text from openreach in September notifying me that they were upgrading me to full fibre on behalf of talktalk and to text confirm or cancel.


I texted cancel, and was contacted by talktalk to discuss why (I don't want/need it and am concerned about the invasiveness of the installtion).


After the conversation I got another text asking me to call talktalk ahead of my appointment for the installation.


I phoned them back and made it clear I did not want it. The operater confirmed they understood and stated that after 30 November 2023 talktalk would not be able to offer any service.


My conclusion is that I have to upgrade or go to another provider (if one is available that is not on full fibre).




Can anyone in the community confirm if this is case? Is it definately the case that I cannot stay on my current deal/infrastructure with talktalk beyond 30 November?


Message 1 of 7

Hi danishsnake


All the services provided (phone/broadband) will continue on. 


I am a full time employee of TalkTalk.




Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 7

Arne is employed by TalkTalk and works this community from Monday to Friday. Ergo, looks like you'll be waiting until Monday for further reply.


In the meantime, I too am in the same situation (same date, too) you appear to be.


Here's a link to the thread I raised on  the matter and the subsequent replies I received:


I hope this may be of some help.



Message 3 of 7

Thank you for your reply Arne.


For clarification, can you confirm that it is both the broadband provision and the telephone service that is enduring beyond the 30 November? I've seen an article on the community website that states the phone service is continuing, but it does not mention broadband.


Are you able to confirm? Additionally, do you work for talk talk or are you a community member? Ideally I'd like a confirmation from talk talk.


Thanks in advance.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 4 of 7

Hi danishsnake


The November 30th Date for cancellation is no longer happening the service will continue after that date, A new date has not been given at this time, however the copper line will eventually be stopped and the only option will be a FTTP service.




Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 7

Hi there,


I don't really know enough to comment on all the points you raised but the alarm button difficulties you mention are exactly why I don't like VOIP or the way it is just being imposed on everybody without our having any say in the matter. When you turn off the power, you lose not only your landline connection but any other service which relies on it.


- CP

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

It was recently on the radio that if anyone in the house is 75 or over, or has special needs, or a health alarm etc connected to their landline their provider is not allowed to forcefully transfer them to fibre. This is to give time to identify problems and see how things go, and to overcome any problems before moving them over eventually.

A family friend is over 90 with a pacemaker and other health concerns with an alarm button worn around her neck which operates through her landline to a monitoring service. She was recently told she would be compulsorily transferred free of charge to fibre but her provider backed off when told of her special circumstances.

My wife meets one of the above criteria and when I was shopping around for my next contract, TalkTalk, Shell Energy and one other provider (can't remember their name) still offered landlines. When I phoned Zen who don't offer landlines they actually said they were not allowed to sell me a fibre phone line unless I was willing to take responsibility which I am. 

If you don't meet any of the criteria above it could be worth your while looking on a comparison site.


Anonymous User