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Terrible upload speeds

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 55 of 55

I have seen similar posts but no solutions.


i have fibre 500 but my upload speed is barely 1mbps 


the eero app itself is reporting 10mbps which is still far below what I’m paying for.


Ive tried chatting through support and trying all possibilities. turnjng off the ont for 30 mins. connecting directly to the ont with a computer and doing a speed test. 

its causing a lot of issues with remote access and working from home.


most of my devices are wired so its not a wifi issue and as I said connecting directly to the ont gives the same results so its not the eero router



is this common for openreach line?


and if so will TalkTalk change me to city fibre as they are installing in my building in the coming weeks


Message 21 of 55

Morning callum,


Thanks for the update. Have the team arranged to contact you back with a further update?






Message 22 of 55

You'll need to return to the message board and click on start a topic, @Combatfred71, for staff support. 


Staff will be back after the weekend. They reply to the original poster only to avoid confusion on the thread.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 23 of 55

One big issue is the Eero router reports really good speeds and the talktalk supervisors log in to my eero and look at that and say everything is fine 😂


but exactly 1 minute later a single device connected directly to the ONT has such a wildly different speed. Confirmed by multiple engineers that have visited now



Message 24 of 55

Still no improvement here.

i keep getting told there is a minimum guaranteed speed of 10mbps but I’m not even getting that in the afternoons/evenings.


an engineer visited again this morning but was only able to look at what was in the property again so didn’t check any cables or connections to the building.

they were here for about 10 mins but did confirm the issue with their laptop. And went to make calls to open reach and talk talk to check things on their ends.


I’m really considering a swap back to copper line so I’d at least have a consistent 12mbps upload 😅


I haven’t been able to stream on twitch or anything for a couple weeks now 


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 25 of 55

Hi, I'm having the exact same issue, the chat support insisted I needed a WiFi booster, even though it is nothing to do with WiFi! Have you had any success in rectifying it yet?


Message 26 of 55



How are you getting on?






Message 27 of 55

Morning callum,


Thank you for keeping us updated and we'll check back in with you later on this afternoon to see how you are getting on.






Message 28 of 55

Had a chat with them today and they cant see anything that suggests an issue. 


Was asked tonight to try disconnect everything from the network and one by one add them back to see if anything causes the upload speed to drop. Done this now and even with just a single device on the network i have the same issue with the upload speed 😅 I did try with a couple different single devices on the network with no difference.


I know with the Eero router yous can see what is connected, device name and what ports are open and such and yes i have a mac mini acting as a development server for work among other things and it keeps getting suggested this is causing it but it really isnt lol. I assume you can also see device stats and the upload from this device over the past week has been minimal. This device has been on the network since i was previously on a copper line and there was no issues present there.


Anyway back to it. with just a single device connected directly to the ONT you can see the issue with the upstream. attached a photo as i cant think of any other way to properly illustrate this (this is also a differnet cable than used with the eero router so it isnt a cable issue) 😅 


So far we have tested:

  • Different Ethernet
  • Single device connected to the ONT
  • Replacement ONT
  • Replacement Router 
  • Single device on the network
  • Individually add devices back on to the network
  • Openreach engineer attended 1st December and was only really able to go through the above. and they tried with their laptop and was getting the same results


With there being no problem with the downstream it may be others here just havent noticed the upstream issue yet. not everyone streams games/hobbies or does things that require a working upstream.


Sorry, long post. I am due a callback in the morning to see how removing everything from the network went and thought id post incase this is read before the call


There was no issues with the upload speed for the first few weeks. I know there has been an issue with a total street outage a couple weeks ago which required some work done outside my property where I am connected - maybe unrelated but it has been since then i have had the issue. 


Maybe next step is for someone to come out and physically check the line and connections on the building

IMG_9355 (1).jpegIMG_9354 (1).jpeg


Message 29 of 55

Good afternoon,


One of my colleagues has advised me that they have made contact and are investigating this with Openreach. I'll continue to monitor for additional updates.







Message 30 of 55

Hi callum,


I'm really sorry about this. I've been chasing this daily to get a further update on this and have just chased this again now. I will post straight back here as soon as I know more and apologies again for the delay with updates on this.







Message 31 of 55

Morning! nope nothing yet 


Message 32 of 55



Can I just confirm, have our team made contact with you since my last post?







Message 33 of 55

Morning callum,


Thanks for confirming. I'll check back in with our team now for an update on this and will post back shortly.







Message 34 of 55

Yes the engineer escilated it and ive now been sent a new Eero router.

To be clear, we tested via the ONT so the Eero router wasnt being used and we were still seeing the issue but i appreciate that there is steps to go through.


It arrived a couple hours ago and its been set up and as expected there is no change.

Just done a test on the talk talk speed test

down speed 540mbps

up speed 6.1mbps


I was told to allow it a couple days to 'settle' but we have tested directly via the ONT and have this upstream speed issue so we all know a couple days wont change anything but if we need to go through the motions ill do that so that we can get to the next step


Message 35 of 55

Hi callumh89


Just to confirm, did the engineer advise that they were escalating this further?


Message 36 of 55

Had an engineer visit this morning. Tried new ONT and everything. But still the same issue of slow upload.


exhausted all options today and I think next step was they are escalating it further


Message 37 of 55

Hi again,


I believe that the team have been in contact. Please let us know how you get on.







Message 38 of 55

Hi callum,


The team should be making contact shortly.







Message 39 of 55

Hi callum,


Ok, leave it with me and I'll chase this for you now. I'll post back shortly.







Message 40 of 55

Hey. No I haven’t heard anything yet