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Whatever happened to feedback?

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

I reported a fault. After wasting hours talking to numerous ‘Agents’ I was finally told that an Openreach engineer would visit yesterday and would contact me first. Did they come? Who knows!! No contact. No follow up. No feedback. More chats with the brain dead ‘Agents’. If I don’t respond within a millisecond they shut down the chat! So what is the current position? No idea. No feedback! However, the fibre cable remains severed so definitely no broadband. Anybody any ideas? That’s all it would take is a call from Openreach to say ‘Hello, we’re aware of the problem. We’ll be out to fix it in the next couple of days’! Job done! But here we are. Same old pathetic Talktalk runaround. Never solving anything quickly and efficiently. 


Message 1 of 13

You'd use the Complaints process, linked at the foot of any Talktalk page, @andrew57.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 13

@andrew57 wrote:

I am perfectly entitled to refer to them as brain-dead"

No you are not and this is where you demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance!



Message 3 of 13

Hi Michelle

Yes they turned up (4th time lucky) on Monday. Really nice guy from Openreach who was very apologetic even though it wasn’t his fault. Anyway,  job done and everything now working. Thank you for your helpful comments and link to compensation credit. 
I will be pursuing the three requests listed in my earlier post so if you can point me in the right direction as to where to direct my requests I would be most appreciative. Despite my rants directed at the agents I place the blame directly at the feet of senior management as they are responsible for training the agents therefore explanations and apologies should come from those in authority.

Thanks again


Message 4 of 13

All credit to you DJI_  for standing alongside the poor maligned (by me) agents! However, despite your disgust, after I was promised on three occasions that an engineer appointment had been made and then staying at home for three mornings from 8-1pm with nobody turning up, I am perfectly entitled to refer to them as brain-dead (fyi not physiologically brain-dead but an expression describing their use of their grey matter!). Also, thank you for explaining that TT staff don’t come to fix the cable……I think I’d already worked that one out because they all seem to work from overseas! Next time try posting something useful you might be appreciated.


Message 5 of 13

Hi andrew,


I'm really sorry to hear this. Can I double check that the fault has now been fully resolved? I've also included a Help guide below on how our auto compensation policy works.


About your auto compensation credit - TalkTalk Help & Support







Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 13

@andrew57 wrote:

Unfortunately, no prizes for TT today. I stayed in for three days and nobody showed up! I suffered the frustration of dealing with brain dead ‘Agents’ on chat.

The staff here wont say this for obvious reasons but i am just a customer so here goes -


Your attitude in this thread has been awful and you posts towards staff disgusting you called TT staff "Brain dead" in the first post and you have done the same again today,  everyone gets your frustration but do you really need to call the people trying to help "Brain Dead"  you seem incapable of taking on board (second time i have had to explain) that TT staff don't come round and fix the cable maybe you need to look a little closer to home for the person who is "Brain Dead" here!


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 13


To recap: My broadband cable was severed on 7 Dec during the storm. I reported the matter and spent the next week faffing around on Chat wasting my time! I was promised (by Agents based in goodness knows where) on 3 occasions a visit by an engineer to remedy the problem but nothing happened! Finally on Sat 14th a UK based contact promised an appointment for Mon 14th. They turned up today and fixed the cable. Unfortunately, no prizes for TT today. I stayed in for three days and nobody showed up! I suffered the frustration of dealing with brain dead ‘Agents’ on chat.
This has happened before and I should have left TT on that occasion.

I have been offered compensation which is an insult!

I request the following:

1. A realistic level of compensation.

2. An explanation of why this happened as it did.

3. An apology from someone that really matters.

Only then will TT demonstrate that they are the busines they claim to be.


Message 8 of 13



Have you been contacted since my last post please?







Message 9 of 13

I beg to differ. Do you have a contact point for Openreach and I’ll gladly oblige.


Message 10 of 13

Thanks Michelle but I won’t hold my breath just yet!


Support Team
Private Message
Message 11 of 13



I'm really sorry to hear this. I've passed this straight over to our Faults Escalation Team now and I will post back as soon as I receive an update. It's possible that the team may also contact you directly.







Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 13

@andrew57 wrote:

 More chats with the brain dead ‘Agents’. If I don’t respond within a millisecond they shut down the chat! So what is the current position? No idea. No feedback! However, the fibre cable remains severed so definitely no broadband. Anybody any ideas? 


I have always found TT online support very helpful and have never been cut off even when i have typed long messages that have taken many seconds,  TT support have no control over Openreach engineers its Openreach  you should be aiming your insults at not TT support.