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What are your all time top 5 TV shows?

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Message 22 of 22

What are your all time top 5 TV shows?


Mine would be, in no particular order........



The Exorcist


House of Cards

Breaking Bad



Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 22

well if we dont count non streaming shows (Like Breaking Bad which for me was the very,very best) and its normal British shows

Im going with Till Death Us Do Part but only the first 2 or 3 series also Steptoe and Son again first few series. Best every has to be `Fawlty Towers` just a few top quality shows and get out while on top



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Message 2 of 22

Men Behaving Badly. 

Altered Carbon. (1st series)

Phoenix Nights. 

True Blood.

Father Ted.


Just a few that come to mind. 😆 


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Message 3 of 22

As an older contributer. 


Steptoe and son (the original B&W series) - brilliant funny and full of pathos

Porridge  - Comedy perfection

House of Cards - Original UK version

Whatever became of the Likely Lads - Another high quality comedy

Peep Show - Inventive and very funny


There's plenty of good modern stuff, but for me they don't stand for repeats test  as the years pass.


Message 4 of 22

This can really be an age thing but there are some really good standouts that do the test of time.

Fawlty Towers has surely got to be on the list the comedy moments in it are Brilliant

The Office (UK version) is another one that I can watch and watch

Breaking Bad one of the best US series to come over to the UK

Hancock's Half Hour for me UK comedy at its best in this era

Till Death Us Do Part (the first few series only in mid-60`s) Yes I know not political correct now a days and I know would never get BBC airplay again but it was a classic at the time and really broke all comedy TV show moulds at the time


But 5 TV shows from the 1950s to 2020 the hardest thing ever to choose


Message 5 of 22

Gilmore Girls (yes, really!)

New Girl

Modern Family

Republic Of Doyle

Bottom. My brother and I watched this a lot growing up, and my mum hated it. Sorry mum!

I'm a drummer in a very well known band, I'm also a world class racing driver and crazy golf world champion 7 years in a row.

Message 6 of 22

ohhhh tough one i'll restrict it to box sets ive watched more than once so :



Sons of Anarchy

Friday night lights







Message 7 of 22

Yep, recently watched and interview with Steve Merchant at the Oxford Union on YouTube, he says he could't beleive they went along with it either and can't remeber any of them refusing to do anything asked

Message 8 of 22

@Chris-TalkTalk wrote:

Yes, The Office is defo up there, not watched the US version but recently watched whole of UK version again on Netflix, also just finished watching all of Extras again, some parts are so cringewothy they difficult to watch 🙂

I've just rewatched Extras courtesy of BBC iPlayer, you're not wrong, through the fingers cringeing, but lough out loud brilliant. How he got all those amazing guests to go along with the ride was amazing.

Message 9 of 22

Yeah, Mad Men was a good one too. Was sad when that one finished.


I've watched all of The Office (US) but never the UK one. I'll have to give it a watch.



Message 10 of 22

Yes, The Office is defo up there, not watched the US version but recently watched whole of UK version again on Netflix, also just finished watching all of Extras again, some parts are so cringewothy they difficult to watch 🙂


Message 11 of 22

Ooh, tough one, especially if you're an old fart like me with a lot of viewing under the belt.


Restricting it to more recent times I haven't been able to get below 6, which all instantly came to mind,sorry!


Breaking Bad

Game of Thrones


Line of Duty

Mad Men

The Office (UK)


Message 12 of 22

Yeah, Peaky Blinders and The Crown are on my list to watch.


Karl. I don't know how you fit it all in. You must never sleep emoticon.sleep.title



Support Team
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Message 13 of 22

The Crown is one of the best things I've watched recently, and I didn't fancy it at all, only started watching it because the Mrs wanted to, really looking forward to the next season

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Message 14 of 22
Here's mine 🙂

Peaky Blinders, Peaky Blinders (so good I named it twice)
Game of Thrones
Only Fools and Horses

Message 15 of 22

Soo dificult for me to choose a top 5 as I watch that many.


really loved Person of Interest.


Also watching NCIS, NCIS LA, NCIS New Orleans, Criminal minds, Blacklist, Lethal weapon, Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, SuperGirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Z Nation, Fear the Walking Dead, The Walking Dead, Lucifer, The Gifted... to name but a few...


Looking forward to new series of Game of Thrones, The Orville, Star Trek Discovery, Agents Of Shield, MacGyver, Greys Anatomy.....


I guess I watch a lot of telly.

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Message 16 of 22

I do like American Horror Story but it would be in my top 10 not my top 5.



Message 17 of 22

Wot!  No mention of American Horror Story!


New one starts later this month 🙂



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Message 18 of 22

I'll have to replace Breaking Bad with Line Of Duty!!! Completely forgot about that one. Such a good show emoticon.thumbsup.title



Support Team
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Message 19 of 22

These five would certainly be up there


Fawlty Towers

Rising Damp

Line of Duty

Dr Who

The Clangers (loved that when I was a kid)

Message 20 of 22

ooh forgot about Hemlock Grove and Banshee. Really liked those too emoticon.hearteyes.title

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