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Get tailored support with your TalkTalk account and bills.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

My regular monthly broadband bill was due to be paid by direct debit on 17th May but for some reason failed. My bank says TalkTalk did not attempt to take the payment and payment was not refused or rejected by them. The direct debit is still in place and active. Today I received an email from TalkTalk asking me to make a card payment to cover the outstanding bill which I did this evening via My Account.

However, the email states my next bill will include a £12.50 admin fee regarding this late payment. Since  neither myself nor my bank were at fault I object to this charge. I have always paid by direct debit, It appears that others have had the same problem, so it would appear it is a fault at Talk talks end, so I would like confirmation that you will not be charging me the £12.50 admin fee.

Please look into this matter for me,

Many thanks.


Message 1 of 7

@stevesurrey  Because you summed it up so well, didn't mean to offend or upset you .😕


Message 2 of 7

@Gliwmaeden2  Thank you for letting me know, much appreciated.

Message 3 of 7

There was a system fault, @Cerces, so you won't need to worry about being charged. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 4 of 7



Message 5 of 7

Probably because it was exactly the same issue?


@Cerces, thank you for starting your own topic.


There does seem to be a cluster of these DDs that Talktalk appears not to have actioned correctly for 17th May and are now making you pay late payment charges. 


There is plenty of time ahead of the next billing cycle for any wrong charges to be remedied before the next bill is produced. 


Hopefully staff will pick up the issue and address it in the next few days and give everyone peace of mind!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

@Cerces why have you cut & pasted my thread into one of your own?

Pipex refugee