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First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

I finally cancelled my TalkTalk broadband after months of stress/late-night phone calls with no notice/inappropriate text messages from a TalkTalk agent sent after I informed him I was in hospital at the time of the texting. After several complaints over the course of several months I was able to leave without exit fee. Today I found a new internet provider and set everything up. 


TalkTalk, after being contacted and told that I'd be switching, have either made a mistake, or decided to purposely try to annoy me (a customer they have been made aware is very mentally ill and disabled) by sending an email stating "Thank you for choosing to stay with TalkTalk! We've received notification from another provider that you would like us to stop the cancellation of your TalkTalk service" 


My direct debit has been cancelled for a bit so I've no worry of them trying to take money off me after the switch is done. But do I need to do something more about this? Are they going to take me to court with a huge bill one day, pretending that I never actually cancelled with them? I can see this has happened to other people before and they had it sorted after messaging here/putting what happened in writing, so hopefully writing this is enough. 


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 3

Hi Demi6


There is a cease on the line due to complete 16.07.24 




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Have you contacted the new provider to check that they think all is as planned and going ahead?


It's not wise to cancel the direct debit until you know that the final bill has been settled.


You will still need to settle a bill covering up to the date that the new provider takes over. You may even have a refund. 


You may need to make a one-off card payment to settle your final bill, @Demi6.


Staff are not on here before Monday. Chat is available on Sunday. Check the opening hours for Live Chat:

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.