Get tailored support with your TalkTalk account and bills.
on 25-06-2024 11:40 AM
I have received a letter in the post to inform me that your email notifications to tell me my bill is ready are not reaching me. I was already aware of this. I also do not receive the verification code which is sent to log in to the community, but I gain access by logging on to My Account, thereby having some sort of authorisation cookie. I believe the blocking of my email address is at the TalkTalk end, not my end.
The letter received tells me that if your bill notification email doesn't reach me for a third time you may stop sending such notifications.
I would appreciate it if the problem could be investigated at your end.
on 17-07-2024 12:21 PM
Thanks for the update.
on 17-07-2024 08:55 AM
Billing email notification received OK.
on 08-07-2024 02:36 PM
let us know if you get the notification this month.
on 08-07-2024 09:09 AM
I connected to the community today to follow up on this, and I used the process to receive a verification code by email. This is working Ok now. remains to be seen whether the bill reminders are working. I expect that about a week from now. I will come back and update the board.
on 01-07-2024 08:28 AM
It won't affect the community notifications as they're not related to our billing systems. I'll ask Stephen to look at that for you.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 28-06-2024 10:09 AM
Thank you. Will that also fix the problem when accessing the community that I do not receive the verification code? I originally thought i had found the root cause of the problem because I auto-filled the email address from Lastpass without actually typing it in. I discovered that if I typed one character then auto-filled the rest, the verification came. That happened to me on another site as well. But that trick doesn't work any more, so, as today, I have logged onto My Account separately and then accessed the Community.
on 28-06-2024 09:01 AM
I've raised an escalation for this as the online billing process means that the bill won't be resent to your mailbox. I've requested that it is.
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 26-06-2024 10:22 AM
I prefer not to touch any settings unless and until it has been demonstrated clearly that I have done something wrong and have to put it right. The following screenshot from November 2011 clearly shows that my email address is set for use to log in to My Account and online billing. Nothing has been changed as far as I am aware. I will wait for one of the TalkTalk experts to find out what is broken at their end.Account email settings
on 25-06-2024 01:56 PM
For many years, Talktalk has discouraged using Talktalk addresses for billing purposes.
Surprised that you have only just encountered the issue - it doesn't seem to happen using eg Hotmail, Gmail, so might be simplest if you just change the billing email address, @jbuchanangb.
Hopefully staff will reach your thread soon. It's in the queue for attention.