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being billed after my service/contract has. ended??

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 12

My Talk Talk service ended on 27th December when I switched to another provider, as confirmed by their email, yet I am still getting automated text and bills threatening me because I have cancelled the dirtect debit - to stop them taking money not entitled to!


Is this standard for Talk Talk? I know they have a reputation for shoddy customer service so is this just par for the course?

Ian McFegan

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 12

Thank you Arne

Ian McFegan

Message 2 of 12

Hi Eebo100


I can see that the bill has been cleared, the account is closed and a final zero balance bill will be produced next month.


Sorry for any confusion.

Message 3 of 12

i have now added that, it was on the 3rd page of the details link


Ian McFegan

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 12

@Eebo100, when you complete your profile, you need to scroll down further to find the button to SAVE CHANGES. 


Having said that, Arne usually tracks down the accounts without full completion of details! 😊

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 5 of 12

The fact that your contract ended and you switched to another provider is not really at issue here. It is more if you had already been billed before the switch took place. As I said, the support team should be able to clear this up for you as they will have access to all the details. 


I cannot see the indicator below your username to show that your profile is complete, are you sure you have added your former TalkTalk landline number, or account number? 

Message 6 of 12

Sorry, I'm not disagreeing with what you are telling me, but why should I make another payment for a service that has finished after it has finished and then not be able to get a payment back to my bank account without a load more messing about?


So not that Talk Talk are making it difficult, but if I understand correctly I have to


- Cancel through cancellation service

- But I still have to contact them and let them know, I am cancelling

- Then respond to more texts about why I want to leave, and give them a chance to persuade me to stay (after i have taken out a contract with someone else)

- Now I am being told I have to pay them in advance  for another month after the service and the contract has finished

- Finally I will have to spend time requesting my own money back that they should not have taken because there was nothing owing?

- That cannot be right can it??




Ian McFegan

Message 7 of 12

Thank you, I have completed my profile as you suggested, as far as possible.


just to be clear, I was out of contract at the date my service ended


Ian McFegan

Message 8 of 12

It's not a question of speaking to someone as such, the support team can clarify your billing position here if you complete your community profile as I advised earlier. 

Message 9 of 12

It's to cover against anyone changing their mind, or any delay in the switch, and also the billing cycle doesn't necessarily sync with the switch date.


All the advice is to leave the Direct Debit in place, because you use those details to claim back any overpayment via My Account, @Eebo100.


The full cancellation instructions are here:


It's not really very different from switching energy suppliers, where it can take a while to sort out the final bill despite clarity about the switch date etc.


But refunds are made into My Account, not directly to your bank account. If you are still owed anything you can arrange for a cheque to be sent.


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 12

Thank you, but my point iswhy would I be billed for a service in advance AFTER my service has ended? Why would I need to leave a DD in place to be potentially abused by a large company that I would tghen have to fight with to get my money back?

I used the Switch service via my new provider, AND responded to the various text messages received after cancellation to confirm that is what I intended. Seems like they are very reluctant to simply let you go. Not sure why I should have to spend so much time on this

I will do as you suggest and would be happy to speak to someone

Ian McFegan

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 12

Did you use the One Touch Switch process? You will still have been billed in advance which may have overlapped with the service changing hands. Stopping the Direct Debit was not a good idea. 


I have moved this to the Billing section. If you would like the support team to look into this for you make sure that your personal details including previous TalkTalk phone number or account number are complete on your community profile (click here) so that they can link your forum identity with your account and then wait for them to respond.