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House move

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 24

I’m moving house on Saturday and for the life of me I cannot get through to talk to anyone, I have phoned several times and not managed to speak to someone. I have tried the online form and it doesn’t work and I’ve also been having a text conversation which has taken all day and not gone anywhere. I need my fibre moved on Saturday otherwise I’m going to need to cancel! Can someone help me 


Message 21 of 24

There is no way you can expect TalkTalk, or anyone else for that matter, to get a service up and running at a new address with 3 days notice. Which number have you been trying? The correct one is 0345 172 0088. They will be closed now anyway, open again from 9:00am tomorrow.

Message 22 of 24

I have tried doing it through the link, it doesn’t work and the number it gives to phone and do it doesn’t work either it says it’s no longer in use. I’ve tried everything for days now 😞


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 24

Not on here unfortunately.


You need to give a minimum of 14 days notice for a swap.


You'd be best phoning now.


Details can be found here including the phone number.

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