For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 24-07-2024 10:02 AM
A copy of email sent, three times, one to the CEO. I would seriously avoid talk talk at all costs!! Most unhelpful, no response, read from scripts. 5mins it says on my account it will take to fix the issue, 36 hours later still nothing.
on 24-07-2024 12:20 PM
OK thanks. I can arrange a visit from an Openreach engineer, If you'd like me to do this please let me know and I'll confirm some details with you
Chris, Community Team
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on 24-07-2024 12:18 PM
All the same questions I've been asked before. I have no home phone, when the router is plugged into the internet line, the phone kine, the test socket (all which your guides o line suggest to do and I have done) I get no internet and just a flashing amber light. I was told on Monday 22nd July at 19:19pm there was a fault and it would update me in 5 mins, I am now 38 hours in and still have no broadband.
on 24-07-2024 12:08 PM
Thanks for updating your profile. Are you experiencing any problems with your telephone service, is there a dial tone?
Is your router currently connected to your test socket?
Chris, Community Team
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on 24-07-2024 11:56 AM
Updates a requested. Sorry it took so long. I have no internet access to be sat around online.
on 24-07-2024 10:07 AM
Hi MrsKP,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your service. Can you please update your community profile to include your:
We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.
Chris, Community Team
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