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Not connecting: Hive Hub - Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00 SG4K100174

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 21 of 21

My Hive Hub (Nano 2 Hub V2) has worked fine for many years, cable connected to my TalkTalk Router (Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00). But at some point over the last several months it has fallen offline - constantly showing a slow flashing green light - and I can't get it to recover its connection.


All other connected devices on my router are working fine.


I've attempted all troubleshooting as advised at the Hive website 'What to do if your Hive Hub is offline' help page, and also by resetting the Router. Following any/all approaches suggested I just end up with the Hive Hub still showing a flashing green light (ie not connected).


The power and ethernet cable connections are definitely sound, and I can access the router's configuration and see the device 'hivehub' as live on the network.


I've read on some similar posts it may be due to the SG4K100174 router software update, and the Sagemcom model being unsuitable for the service required by the Hive Hub. Is there an alternative TalkTalk router model I could be provided, to see if this is the root of the problem?


Message 1 of 21

Morning @IanGu 


I'm so glad everything is now working ok, thank you for letting me know 🙂


I've sent you a Private Message with a link to a short survey for the Community.


Thanks again.




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 21

I've dispatched the old router at the post office (using the bag provided).


Meanwhile, I received a replacement Hive Hub unit (from Hive), and this has resolved the issue. My Hive system is now fully connected and running well.


Clearly the root cause was actually with defective Hive Hub hardware.


Thank you so much for the engagement on this TalkTalk forum though, including the generosity in providing the replacement Router (allowing that to be ruled out as the root cause).


Message 3 of 21

Message 4 of 21

Thanks Debbie. With the new Router now plugged up, I'll certainly return the old one, in the bag provided.


Thanks again.

Message 5 of 21

Hi Ian


Thanks for your reply.


If you would prefer to keep the replacement router then please can you return the old router using the returns bag.




Message 6 of 21

Hi Debbie.


Yes, received yesterday and installed / tested today. Thank you so much for providing it.


But unfortunately - having gone through all the Hive troubleshooting steps once again - the issue remains.


I've then been on the phone to Hive, who advise it could be the Hive Hub's electronics have gone faulty, so - a bit reluctantly - I'm now forking out for a replacement Hive Hub.


So, on the assumption that actually the Router's been fine all along, would you like me to return the replacement unit you so kindly provided? Or shall I just put it into recycling?


Best regards,



Message 7 of 21

Morning @IanGu 


Have you received the replacement router?


Message 8 of 21

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 21

Thank you very much Keith & Debbie.


I'll certainly update (on here) how I get on with the replacement Router.


Best regards,



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 21

Hi @IanGu 


Hardly any surprise really, before I had a chance to ask @Debbie-TalkTalk, the replacement router is on its way!

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 12 of 21

Hi @IanGu 


The replacement router is on its way, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Let us know how the connection compares with the replacement router.





Message 13 of 21

Hi KeithFrench,


Yes please - could a replacement router be arranged?


This would be very much appreciated.


Best regards,



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 21

Hi @IanGu 


The Huawei has been discontinued, this now sounds like a network issue somewhere on the route to the Hive servers. However, if you want I can get your router replaced, just in case.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 15 of 21

Hi KeithFrench,


Yes, I've verified the integrity of the ethernet cable, through using it as the cable connection for another device (my Smart TV) and achieving correct service.


I've attempted to achieve the Hive Hub connection across all four LAN (yellow) ports on my TalkTalk Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00 Router, but the Hive Hub connection issue (flashing green LED) remains.


I've verified all four of the LAN (yellow) ports on my TalkTalk Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00 Router are functioning correctly, by cable connecting another device (my Smart TV) to each in turn, and achieving correct service.


In addition, I've tried hardware resetting my TalkTalk Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00 Router (by pushing the pin-hole reset button).


In every case, I then try the troubleshooting steps provided on the Hive website 'What to do if your Hive Hub is offline' help page.


But all I ever get is the Hive Hub showing a flashing green LED, and not providing connectivity through to the online Hive service.


Grateful for any further advice, including on whether I could/should try the alternative TalkTalk Router model (there's a Huawei, I understand)?


Best regards,




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 21

While you say that the Ethernet cable is fine, have you tried it in a different Ethernet port (not the red one) on the router and a different cable, just in case? Do you have any other wired devices that you could try using the original cable/Ethernet port to prove that the router is OK?

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 17 of 21

Hi again KeithFrench,


No, the Hive Hub remains stubbornly unconnected - indicated by the constantly flashing green light.


My TalkTalk Sagemcom FAST 5364 3.00 Router firmware version is SG4K100174.


Best regards,




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 21

Has it worked though? What firmware is running on the router?

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 19 of 21

Thanks for your quick response @KeithFrench .


So the router firewall setting has always been at the default 'Medium' (including during the period the Hive Hub was working fine), although I recently reduced to 'Low' as part of my troubleshooting effort.


On Port Forwarding, there is nothing instructed in the Hive documentation, and I've not previously had any Port Forwarding in place over the period the Hive Hub was working fine. But, since it failed, my research took me to advice that:

"The router ports required by Hive Hub are
UDP port 123 (NTP)
TCP port 443 (HTTPS)
TCP port 5671 (AMQPS)"

So I implemented these, in the manner shown by the screenshot (of my router config page) included here as an attachment.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 21

I think you need to tell me more about the Hive Hub when it flashes green. From what you say the Ethernet connection is fine, so I would presume that this is a networking issue, where the router may or may not be the cause. To try & understand the problem more, find the cause & rectify it, please can you answer these questions:-

  1. What level is the Firewall in the router set to, it must be on medium?
  2. Does the Hive require any port forwarding to be configured within the router?

Other customers use the Hive without issue on the 5364, which is the standard TalkTalk router & running firmware V174.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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