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Scam Phone call

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

I've just had a phone call from a "private caller" saying they were ringing from Talk Talk because they were getting readings about my broadband not being up to speed. I genuinely believed it was Talk Talk as no one has my landline number except my Mum (we don't use it for anything) so only Talk Talk would know it. The call went ok to start with as I was asked to check the speed (33mbps apparently) & they said it wasn't fast enough but they could help with that. This is when I started to think something wasn't right, but I went along with it. I was asked to get an app onto my phone (zoho assist) but at the same time was trying to google scam phone calls & zoho assist to see if anything came up. As there were periods when I was silent, "Michael" started to get agitated asking if I didn't trust the phone call so I admitted that I wasn't happy. He then started to intimidate me by saying that no one else could help me. I knew then that it was a scam so I said I needed to check on something first and would ring Talk Talk back. His final threat was that I'd be in big trouble if I put the phone down so I said that as he was being intimidating, that was exactly what I was going to do, so I did. Needless to say, no one from Talk Talk has been in touch since to say I'm in trouble. 

As a result of this, I'm now questioning how this guy got my number if I haven't given it to anyone except my Mum? Did he just guess it? If so, how did he know I was with Talk Talk for my broadband unless Talk Talk have sold my information? 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 6

Yes I had the same phone call last night 16 JAN 2025

they called around 9pm but checked the talk talk website and it said phone lines close at 7pm ,so when I told him that he cut the conversation 

but must admit sounded very convincing…he had my account number because I said how do I know it’s talk talk he said get your account number and he would tell me what it was ….so beware!!!


Message 2 of 6

Do you have last caller barring?   You could always add callsafe which usually deters scam callers. 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 6

FYI - Just had the same scam call, be aware they are at it again!


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 6

I Have just had the same phone call with a UK area code code, but a Asian man speaking poor English and sounding very dodgy.

Told him I was very busy and would ring TalkTalk back in an hour or so, he became agitated as I hung up so trust your gut.



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

Hi @Caroline197 I would think he was using a random dialling app and didn't know your details till he asked you a few security details.

Very cunning these scammers, call safe is free and works and would have deterred this opportunist. 

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.
Anonymous User