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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Ultra slow speed

First Timer
Private Message
Message 7 of 7

I called to move house on 18th of April, got told TalkTalk doesn’t provide for my new address so had the right to cancel. Got transferred and near the end got told actually Talktalk DOES provide, got offered a new cheaper package with no landline.

My go live date was 3rd of May, was told on phone no engineer needed to be here to just plug new Wifi Hub. On the day someone called to confirm I will be at the house?! Went back home waited all day and nothing! Next day still no Internet, after multiple calls and chat I finally get white light on box and text from openreach saying its live on the 6th of May. Problem I never go above 50-80 Kbs! Can barely load a website to test the speed. Tried all my different devices, do 30sec reset, unplug replug etc nothing.

On top of that it still shows my old package on my account with old price.
When I tried to get help from live chat I got told to wait 30 days and if no improvement I could cancel without early termination fees!
I just want to get what I’m paying for! Please help thank you.


Message 1 of 7

Message 2 of 7

This is what I suspected since my billing is still wrong and showing old package. But after contacted you with calls and live chats everyday for a week, no solution was found. A speed test from your end was also showing something close to 0mbs without explanations.
Only solution I was offered was to terminate my account! 
Now I need to wait until June to receive my final bill! So will need to pay for a month of internet which is so slow that I can’t even load you own website!

I was ready to leave back in April but stayed because of the cheap offer.

Very disappointed.



Message 3 of 7

Hi Tajaran


Sorry that you are having problems. 


I can't find any accounts under your new address, I suspect that the service has not been activated correctly, I would have to advise you to contact the Future fibre team with discuss this. 


They will be able  to assist you with this problem.


Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Message 4 of 7

I changed to TalkTalk Fibre 65 Data Only

I connect to white ONT



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 7

Complete your community forum profile details with your new address etc, @Tajaran.


Go via your avatar/name; settings; add your Talktalk landline number  / account number to your Personal Information. 


Perhaps put the old address in the Private Notes area at the end of that section. 




Staff will reply after the weekend. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

What product did you order ?

Does it come over the phone line and is that working normally ?


If you dial 17070 do you hear your own number being read back to you ?

What are the actual line rates from the router when you log in and is the service showing as ADSL or VDSL ?

Anonymous User