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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Issues with connections

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 23

Hi TalkTalk,



I have experienced a. really slow connection 10 days ago, so i did a reset and rebooted router and tested the line, was fine after that. A few days again it did the same issue like really slow internet conenction, and there was two nights like after 12am could not connect to the itnernet as it was taking time to connect to internet, so i unplugged router for 20 mins, then connected it after and ran alot of tests via the BT Master socket connected to the laptop and tested speed, the second time i ran speed test via ethernet cable to laptaop or macbook, my download speed is good of 29Mbps and uplaod speed is still not reaching around 3.3 mbps but everytime i run speed test it just goes to 2.3 mbps upload but still acheiving 29mbps download speed. Today is the same issue, trying to stream on my ipad and phone but internet still taking its time. I spoke to TT via X Twitter but they have me to reset the router twice and they ran test on their end to help boost the speed. Today ist the same issue, the only thing i suspect is not the line itself but i think i tcan be a router failure which is not keeping up to so many. devices i use such as streaming youtube on my ipad, another tablet,, 2 phones, security camera apps, sometimes stream a lot of netflix, etc. I also feel that there maybe an issue with the line but TT x twitter says it had some issues with speed issues when tehy tested my line as well. Is it possible to be sent a replacement router and replace my old router as i think it is not keeping up with so many devices i connect to? 


I also need help with my upload pseed is that i dont think am getting a very good upload speed of 3.4 mbps but everytime i have speed of 2.4 mbps sometimes its 28mbps. On BT openreach i should be getting around 4mbps but my house is far awar from the exchange and am still having slow issues with speed. Everytime i stream youtube via tablet when am near the router its still slow when connected wireless. So the only option i think would be to reset the line and then request a replacement router. As am getting tired of reseting the router  few times in a week.


Also trying to request change onwership via filling in endless forms and sent off but no reply. Has anyone had any experience and success if filled in ownership form and sent to an email address talktalk provides? what email to send to rather then by mail saving me money on stamps at post office?


Also have just renewed my contract wiht tt and in my area has not gone full fibre yet and hate this old copper line we are still using. 


Any help be appreciated. 



e y wong

Not applicable
Private Message
Message 1 of 23



Are you also using the new cables that came with the new router?





Message 2 of 23

Sonce wednesday i left the router on.

e y wong

Message 3 of 23

Hi @ScorpioEd33 


How long has the new router been connected?


Are you using the new cables and filter too?


Message 4 of 23

My wifi router replacement white light it very dimmed, my okd router download soeed was 29.3 mbps and upload reached around 3.0mbps. The new router roalcent download speed is only 26.9mbps and upload speed is gone to 2.3 mbps and doesnt not reach 2.9mbps , so i dont know to keep the old router or use new router? My Old actually works, but just a bit jittering with download speed sometiems when both people are online. The new  router is however ok but decreased in download speed and upload speed compering to what i have higher download and upload soeed on old router. 

still not happy with line speed . My main one is upload are

not getting over 2.3 mbps to 3.0mbps ? 

e y wong

Message 6 of 23

How to increase brightness of the white light settings in router settings ?

e y wong

Message 7 of 23

Hi ScorpioEd33,


If the router firmware needs updating this will happen automatically within 48 hours. The brightness of the light can be adjusted in the router settings



Message 8 of 23

I prefer my router light to be brighter not dimmed?


e y wong

Message 9 of 23

Recieved the new router replacement

but the light isnt as bright as before.


can you also check my router if its upto date software firmware?


also everytime when i connect to the page it says error like visiting speed test or going onadmin page ? 

can you check any line issues too ? 

Will it be a problem if the router ligjt isnt as bright though?




e y wong

Message 10 of 23

OK thanks. Please let us know how you get on with the new router



Message 11 of 23

Not got my router replacement yet but will recieve it tomorrow .



e y wong

Message 12 of 23

OK thanks. How did you get on?



Message 13 of 23

Spoke to them today , still chatting to them now and still running multiple tests reboot after reboot and after reset after reset. I renewed my contract  with TT, 3 days ago but my contract ends on 2027 feb but my other old contract ends on 15 th march 2025 can i candel the new contract and just go with another provider. I just sick of this speed issue am having with TT?


why is the new router not able to check online via my account when i will recieve it ?

e y wong

Message 14 of 23

Hi ScorpioEd33,


When did you speak to the twitter team?



Message 15 of 23

was speaking to the twitter team for diagnosing my slow internet connection and they can see its dropping and speeds a re slow for wireless and sometimes on wired too, they dont see a router replacement on the account why is this ? is my wifi speed really bad on your end ?

e y wong

Message 16 of 23

Hi @ScorpioEd33 


You can just connect up the new router straight away and use the new password from the back of the new router.


Message 17 of 23

Thank you.


once i recieved the router do i inplug the old router and leave for a few mins like 30 secs to 20 secs to refresh the internet ? 

Then plug the new router in and then test it and create a new router password?



e y wong

Message 18 of 23

Thanks for your reply @ScorpioEd33 


The replacement router is on its way, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Let us know how the connection compares with the new router.




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 23

Yes please can you send a new router for testing ?


thank you

e y wong

Message 20 of 23

Thank you

e y wong