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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.


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Message 134 of 134

I recently switched to Talktalk broadband and I'm having issues with WIFI optimisation and channel hopping causing certain devices to disconnect from the WIFI network. From reading these pages I understand that a Talktalk employee can disable this feature on my router? Please can this be actioned?

133 REPLIES 133

Message 21 of 134

Thanks. Is the router currently connected to the test socket?




Message 22 of 134

Hi Chris,


I don't use the landline phone, but I borrowed one from my brother and just tried it - all seems fine with no noise. The router log shows 5 dropouts yesterday afternoon/evening and another 5 dropouts this morning, after being stable for the last ~month after the 3rd OR engineer visit. The router setup in the house it exactly as the 3rd OR engineer left it (i.e. router plugged directly in to the master socket, no other phone wiring).


Message 23 of 134

Hi Chris,


Line test is passing but I can see that there have been some drops since around 1pm yesterday. Is your telephone service working OK, any noise on the line?



Message 24 of 134

Hi Debbie/Chris,


The broadband has been rock solid for the past ~month, however, on Sunday it dropped out in the afternoon and so far today it has dropped out 5 times. Hence, it looks like the fault has returned. Please can you escalate this since it has been an ongoing problem for 3 months, has required 3 Openreach engineer visits, but still does not appear to be fixed.


Message 25 of 134

Morning @Chris1012 


I'm so glad to hear this 🙂


I've checked and below are the engineers notes. It looks like work was completed at the cabinet to resolve this fault.


Fault identified in D-side between PCP and DP. Resolved by changing pair node to node.


If you do experience any further issues then please let us know.





Message 26 of 134

Hi Chris,


It's now been ~2 weeks since the third Openreach engineer visit and apart from 3 times when the DLM resynced the line overnight and a power cut last week the line/router has been stable. The router has been synced at 66mb/s for the past week, which is the fastest it has ever been at this property with any ISP! Speed was never the issue, it was stability of the line for the past ~ 2 months, but it's nice to see the line can handle this speed. I hesitate to say it, but hopefully the third engineer actually fixed the fault that the first 2 didn't. He never told me what he did at the street cabinet/exchange, do you have access to the engineer reports? It may be useful to know what he did in case similar issues arise in the future.


Thanks for your help and, hopefully, I won't need to contact you anymore!

Message 27 of 134

Message 28 of 134

Hi Chris,


Since Friday the DLM has further increased the download speed twice, once on Sunday morning to 61mb/s and this morning to 64mb/s. I have never seen 64mb/s in the ~3 months I have been with Talktalk, so it seems the third engineer did something last Tuesday. However, this is now ~10mb/s faster than the absolute maximum that the engineer said I would get! Apart from the DLM resyncing the line I have had no other dropouts in the week since the engineer visit, but the same thing happened after each of the first two engineer visits and it was only after a week or so that the dropouts returned. I'll let you know if this happens over the coming days.


Message 29 of 134

OK, thanks for the update



Message 30 of 134

Hi Chris,


Overnight the DLM resynced the line at 57mb/s download. This is already more than the maximum download speed I should get according to two Openreach engineers (50-55mb/s). I'll keep monitoring to see if the download speed increases even more (it did after the previous engineer visits) and whether the dropouts return.


Message 31 of 134

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update. If you could see how it goes over the next few days we take another look at it early next week to see if it's been stable and if there's been any speed increase



Message 32 of 134

Hi Chris,


The engineer arrived ~1.30pm, spent ~20 minutes in the house doing a line test and then left the house to do more checks outside the house (presumably at the street cabinet), he didn't return until ~4pm! He made some changes outside the house, but didn't go in to any details. He did say that the maximum download speed (from his testing) would be 50-55mb/s. This conflicts with what the router has been syncing at (60-61mb/s), which doesn't decrease even during the dropouts. The engineer could not explain the router syncing at ~60mb/s given his test results. This also agrees with what the second engineer said (my download speeds were 8-10mb/s faster than any of my neighbours). I've looked at the router stats to see what the noise margin is and it shows 0 dB, which can't be correct (appears this is yet another bug in the router firmware!). The actual download rate (53430) is also higher than the maximum download rate (51867), which again is odd. The router is currently synced at 54mb/s and I have had no dropouts since ~4pm on Tuesday, but it's really too early to tell if the problem is fixed. If the router sync speed increases and the dropouts return I think something needs to be done to cap the download speed so that the line remains stable.


Message 33 of 134

I've booked the engineer for tomorrow afternoon - June 25 2024, PM - please let us know how you get on



Message 34 of 134

Thanks Chris, just had another dropout ~1.15pm


Message 35 of 134

OK, I'll book the engineer now and get back to you with the details



Message 36 of 134

Hi Chris,


There is obviously still a fault somewhere if the number of disconnections is not typical. I don't see that there is any other option but to have yet another engineer visit if you don't know what the cause of the disconnections is (I certainly don't know!). 


I can fit around any am/pm visit this week.


Message 37 of 134

No the number of disconnections isn't typical. It's hard to say if the issue will resolve itself as I don't know what is causing the disconnections but we can arrange another engineer visit now if you prefer



Message 38 of 134

Hi Chris,


Is the problem likely to fix itself without an engineer visit? There have been ~20 dropouts since the last engineer visit on 1st June, which I assume is not typical for a 'normal' line? 


Message 39 of 134

OK thanks, we can arrange another engineer visit to investigate further, would you like us to do this or hold off for a few days to see if the disconnections continue?



Message 40 of 134

Hi Chris,


What you describe (stable until the connection randomly drops, often multiple times a day) is what has been happening since the start of May, so for nearly 2 months now!


The router is plugged directly in to a wall socket (the same socket that my previous ISP's router used with no connection problems). The DSL cable is plugged directly in to the master socket.