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Wi Fi extender

Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

Hi my current set up is TT Wi Fi extender and a TL extender

The TT one is for my son's TV box but he now uses his X box and TV to stream films etc and has the X box wired to the extender.

My room has the TL extender wired to the CCTV 

I would like an extra TT extender with two ports so I can wire two  devices to it the CCTV and the TV box both in my room and then bin the TL extender.

Is there a TT extender I can add or do I need a new set up is so what do you recommend?

I think we have about 6 devices running on Wi Fi but not a at the same time.

My fibre is 76 mbs or 65 mbs now.



Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 2



We do not have an extender with 2 ports, but you may be able to find an extender on some of the popular online retail sites.





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