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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

speed problem

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 237 of 237


I have a contract for a Fiber35 package. The download speed is about 27 Mbps and the upload speed is about 6 Mbps. On February 23, the speed suddenly dropped to about 13 Mbps to the router and 11 Mbps to the PC. A line check showed a problem. On March 2, an engineer arrived. After his visit, the speeds did not change much and the line test continued to show the problem. After about three weeks, the line test shows that everything is fine, but the speeds to the router are 18 Mbps and to the computer 15 to 16 Mbps. This situation continues to this day. I don't understand why the speeds can't go back to normal as they were according to the subscription, and it's been over a month! My neighbor has Internet on the same network and still has normal speeds and we are connected the same way!! I do not understand! I'm still using the original router and cables I received when I first connected, and why is the speed difference 2 to 3 Mbps? Please explain this problem to me and help me get back to normal.

236 REPLIES 236

Message 141 of 237

Hi Chris

The phone is silent, there is no signal. I checked the speed - 19 Mbps



Message 142 of 237

Hi Les,


Line test is picking up a potential problem and I can see that the connection has been dropping, sync speed is currently 30.9Mbps. Are you currently experiencing any problems with your telephone service?



Message 143 of 237

Hi Chris

Until January 11, the Internet works correctly, speed 31 to 32 Mbps. And suddenly the repeat from last year begins. On January 12, the internet turns off, the speed suddenly drops to about 20 Mbps. This situation continues to this day. There is a few days of peace at a speed of about 19 to 20 Mbps and again the internet turns off, speed drops to up to 5 Mbps to then return to about 19 Mbps. I did four line tests and each time I got information about the problem on the line. In addition to receiving standard apologies for problems and information that the line is observed, nothing changes. This situation has been going on for a month. Can you inform me when it finally ends, the internet will return to its normal speed before January 12 - about 31 Mbps and start working without problems?



Message 144 of 237

Hi Les,


I've had to raise it again as a non-appointed task, Openreach may contact you directly if they need to access your home. If you get another text asking you to book an engineer and the link doesn't work just let us know and we'll book it for you



Message 145 of 237

I'm sorry I'm only replying now. I am asking for an engineer's visit from 8 am to 1 pm.



Message 146 of 237

OK, when can you be available for the visit (either AM (8am to 1pm) or PM (1pm to 6pm) between Monday to Friday)





Message 147 of 237

Yes, please book an engineer visit. Current speed today is 19 - 20 Mbps.



Message 148 of 237

Hi Les,


We can book the engineer visit for you, would you like us to arrange it?



Message 149 of 237

After about three weeks of normal internet, the problems returned again about three weeks ago. The speed dropped from 30 mbs to about 6 mbs and increased again, sometimes the internet completely disconnected. After the engineer's visit, the speed returned to normal, around 30 mbs, but only for three days. The speed swing is back but this time in the range of 30 mbs to 14 mbs. On December 13, I tested the connection and received a message that the problem was on the line outside my home. Probably the engineer was checking the line and yesterday I received information that the engineer must come to my house because the problem is mine. The received message included information about clicking on the blue box to make an appointment with an engineer - but this box did not work and I could not make an appointment with anyone. Since yesterday, the internet speed has been oscillating between 12 and 20 mbs. I don't understand any of this. This is not the first time. This internet roller coaster has been going on since April this year and repeats itself on average every month and a half. I keep getting information that the problem is mine, but no engineer did anything at my house, only on the line!! This is very irritating and the worst thing is that I have already lost my job twice - when the Internet connection was disconnected. I pay a fixed amount and in return I do not receive stable Internet, but a variable speed and sometimes connections, and the Internet provider does not think about any compensation for this situation but continues to charge a fixed fee. I am asking for help in resolving this situation and returning to normal, stable internet.




Message 150 of 237

@Lesman, here's the link re automatic compensation again:


However you will see that it covers only total loss of service  / no show engineers / delay to the start etc, not the sort of ongoing slow speeds etc that your line suffered from.


You will need to follow the Complaints process (detailed at the foot of the page in the link) and they would look into how much time speeds were simply disappointing and how much time below the minimum guaranteed speed - the service continued though poorly and a lot of engineer visits were necessary before it appeared to be put right.


But compensation for this sort of thing is not automatic. It will be assessed on a case by case basis, so discretionary. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 151 of 237

For over a week (with minor problems on Monday, October 2), the internet has maintained good parameters. I guess this is the end of a series of problems.

In the period from April to September 2023, I had several failures (about 6 times) with my internet, where the cause was outside my home.

I am asking for compensation for loss of services during this period.




Message 152 of 237



Ok thank you for confirming and if this does happen again then we can book an engineer visit for you.







Message 153 of 237

Hi Michelle

Sorry it's only now, but I was away from home. Currently, the speed is around 32 Mbps. This lasts from midnight Sunday to Monday. Everything happened without an engineer visiting my home, so as in previous failures, the problem was still on the line outside my home, and not as suggested in recent emails. I think it was the last failure ending a six-month cycle of failures.

Thank you for your help.

Regards.  Les


Message 154 of 237



I'm sorry for the delay. Thanks for the update, how has your connection been since your last post?







Message 155 of 237

Hi Chris

It's 00.40 at night and suddenly my computer came to life - it started responding quickly as usual.

I checked the speed - about 32 Mbps. Compared to my last post, a big shock for me.

The connection between the router and the computer is still the same.

I don't understand any of this, why did the previous measurement give such a result and the help suggested there was a problem with the computer-router connection?

Will this be the end of the problems or will there be another repeat of this situation in two or three weeks?

Regards.   Les


Message 156 of 237

Of course. Right after receiving it on Friday.


Message 157 of 237

Did you respond to the PM from Chris? Otherwise, wait until the support team are back online tomorrow. 


Message 158 of 237

Hi Chris

I have not yet received information about the date of the engineer's visit. What happened?

This evening I received an email from TalkTalk directing me to a speed test. Test result - speed to the router 29 Mbps, speed to the computer - downloading about 5 Mbps, sending about 8 Mbps.

The computer and the router have been connected with a cable (60 cm) for several years and it was fine and suddenly there is a problem?

Complete nonsense!!! What this is about? I have enough of this.

The problem has been going on for 6 months - some repair, a few weeks fine and then repeat. Strange emails from TalkTalk about connecting to the team, where none of the call buttons work.

Where is the problem - in the quality of repair or service?

When will this finally end and I will have normal internet that I pay for?

Can you explain this situation to me and do something to finally end it?

Regards  Les


Message 159 of 237

No problem, I've sent you a PM to confirm some details I'll then book the engineer 




Message 160 of 237

No problem. Please make an appointment on Monday or Tuesday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m
