Ask us about your TalkTalk email account and Webmail.
on 15-12-2023 01:22 PM
I've been through the new log in process. It reminded me (due to required email address) that back in 2021 I was required to re-register My Account and put in an email address on the log in page which was different from my one. I believe either @oce arne or ady told me I coud change the email back, though I can't seem to dig out the relevant threads which seem to have been archived. I'd like to change the email used for log in and maybe the password so if one of the oce's or indeed anyone else could direct me how to do this it would be appreciated.
on 19-12-2023 03:04 PM
@Arne-TalkTalk I realise that and thanks for your reply and assistance in the past. With needing new email, can't use livemail or ie it seems life is perpetually made more difficult. Wonder what Microsoft / Apple have up their sleeves for 2024! Just about getting used to Thunderbird email and alternate web browsers.
on 19-12-2023 02:56 PM
Sorry, not my decision. All the best Dave.
on 19-12-2023 02:34 PM
well that's a pain then. Always manage to make things more difficult and time consuming. I thought IT was supposed to make life simpler but everything seems to bring added difficulty with more things to obstruct us - especially those of advancing years!
Merry wotsits and a happy owsyerfather!!!
on 19-12-2023 02:13 PM
Hi davep
Its no longer possible to use any of our domains for My Account logins.