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on 25-02-2025 10:49 AM
What is going on? I am finding more and more companies & organisations are blocked from contacting me and me contacting them. I cannot communicate with my travel agent via a talktalk e-mail address nor can I communicate with the electricity company and goodness knows whether other organisations have been trying to reach me. All this seems to have happened since AI and since I have been receiving a rash of scam e-mails purporting to have come from TalkTalk (these have been forwarded to them)
on 25-02-2025 11:15 AM
Unfortunately, many customers opened those phishing mails and this has led to a huge increase in outgoing spam which has resulted in accounts being blocked and filters having to be put in place to kerb the amount of spam. Hopefully, the team at OpenXchange will get on top of it soon.
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