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Archer AX1800 router settings

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 49 of 49


I am trying to connect my Archer router and am having problems. Existing connection working with talk talk  router.


Seems I can't get an IP issued to the router . Have done a factory reset on router and noted the settings required by talk talk for 3rd party router.

VLAN ID :101

MTU: 1500

DND: Automatic

Authentication: DHCP/IPoE


When I go to the settings in the router there are other VLAN ID settings which are set to zero ,and the router requires some value other than zero.


Is there something that talktalk need to do their side to allow the router to work ?


So I am wondering if this is the problem.


Any help appreciated.




Message 21 of 49

Hi @aggiemantis 


Please can you add your account number to your Community Profile. 


Message 22 of 49

I've only been with tiscali/tt  for 20 + years . Quite worrying. 


Message 23 of 49

Hi @aggiemantis 


Please can you add the account number to your Community Profile (under the Private Notes section)


If you have a FTTP order number, can you also add this to your profile.


Message 24 of 49

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk forgive me for butting in but @aggiemantis mentioned an ont box being installed 2 years ago, is that normal for fibre 65?

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.

Message 25 of 49

I've just checked and information is quite correct. 


Message 26 of 49

Hi aggiemantis


Please can you check the telephone number in your Community Profile is the right number so I can check the details again.


Message 27 of 49

And as you can see i am connected fine


Message 28 of 49

Wow, that's serious LOL. I can quite clearly see the IP issued from tt in the router settings



Message 29 of 49

Hi aggiemantis


I can't even see an IP address generated.


Do you have any other routers connected in bridge mode?


Message 30 of 49

Yes, the white light on the router is on. All services are running quite normally. 



Message 31 of 49

Hi @aggiemantis 


I can't connect to the router, apologies for this.


Is the white light on the front of the router? Could you try a pin hole reset for ten seconds?


Message 32 of 49

Yes, TT router up and running as of 10.06


Message 33 of 49

Hi @aggiemantis 


Have you got the TT router connected at the moment? (so we can check the wireless stats)


Message 34 of 49

Good Morning Michelle, thank you for taking the time to reply. Yes, please feel free to test my connection. I'm sure you will find it all in order.


I'm at the point of returning my new router to the supplier. 


I have come to the conclusion that there settings at TT that either need to be changed or my new router does no support some 'additional feature' that is required . The later i cant believe as it a well respected and thought out router.


I think the worst thing was having my routers firmware 'upgraded' without my knowledge. Quite concerning.


Thank you again for your time in replying.


Message 35 of 49



I'm sorry to hear this. Would you like us to take a look at your wifi connection to see if we can make any recommendations?







Message 36 of 49

Thank you for a reply. The TT servicei is fibre 65 , I believe. The incoming ONT box on the wall was fitted about 2 years ago I think. Black box with row of 4 green LED's in the top.  The tt router is the Sagemcom Fast . Ver FAST 5464-2.T4.


Setup is:

Fibre in to ONT ethernet out to WAN port on router. 


Performance of the existing router not great , dropouts , generally poor wi-fi coverage. Hence reason for trying a different brand and hopefully better quality router.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 37 of 49

Hi @aggiemantis I've just read back through the thread and see that I never clearly understood what you tt service is, could you clarify please.

Also the box on the wall when was it fitted? 

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.

Message 38 of 49

Thank you for a reply,  the purposes would have been to see if anyone using TP Link products NOT, specifically the AX1800 has actually had any success, as its one of the more respected routers out there. Yes i most certainly searched wide and far for an answer.




Message 39 of 49

Please don't start another topic, it won't serve any purpose.


Nobody at TalkTalk can support third-party routers, it is simply not possible with the plethora of devices available. But other users have successfully managed to set up their own. Have you tried searching across the community, or more widely on e.g Google?


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 40 of 49

Update , I contacted TP Tech support , and they confirmed what I had set should work. So I'm now convinced that it is a setting or issue with talk talk.

Is there anybody using a TP-LINK router with talktalk ?


Might start a new topic with that heading and see if there's a response . Tech support a talktalk don't want to seem to know.