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FIbre Support

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DLM reset required.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 16


Can anyone on here arrange a DLM reset on my connection please?

Around 6 weeks ago we started getting buffering on streaming services, disney+, Netflix, player, etc.

I checked my connection speed and saw it had dropped from the 63kbps it has been for years to 46kbps.

I contacted customer services on chat who ran tests and confirmed there was an issue and arranged an engineer visit on 30th may.

The engineer checked the connection from the test socket and it was still 46kbps.

He then replaced the master socket, filter and lead with new ones but still got the same connection speed.

The talktalk engineer said the fault was outside the property and he would escalate the issue to open reach and I should expect a response within 72 hours.

A week later, having had no improvement, I rang customer services to be told that the engineer had reported the connection was acceptable and no further action required!

They ran further tests, accepted the connection was still substandard and wanted to send another talktalk engineer out to retest.

I argued that this had already been done and the issue needed escalating to open reach which they finally agreed to do.

After 3 more weeks with no improvement to my connection or contact from open reach I again rang customer services to be told there was no record of my previous contact on the system!

I put down the phone and made contact by chat, to get it on the record, and asked to be referred to a manager.

He was little help, wanting to start at the top of the script again and running tests.

I argued that this had already been done and I would only accept an openreach appointment.

This he finally agreed to and made the appointment.

This morning a very helpful open reach engineer arrived at the door and asked what the issue with my phone was. I explained that the issue was with data connection speed and he said he didn't have the information to address that as he had been booked for a voice call problem!!!

He said that a DLM reset was required and I would have to contact customer services to arrange it.

I am not willing to go through all that again so if anyone on the forum can help please put me out of my misery.



Message 1 of 16

I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Hopefully we'll see some improvement over the next couple of days 



Message 2 of 16

I'm losing the will to live!

Customer complaints have just rung me to check that the issue is resolved.

When I said no she immediately went back to the top of the script, ran more tests which confirmed there was still a problem and booked another talktalk engineer visit!

When I objected to this she said if I refused the visit the complaint would be closed as I was preventing them access to correct it.

So another day's wages lost, this is beyond a joke...

She even suggested the best solution would be to move to a different provider!!!



Message 3 of 16

Hi Mark,


Hopefully, if there's any improvement in connection stats with the new router, DLM will move you to a faster profile



Message 4 of 16

Hi Michelle,

The router didn't arrive until 8:30 last night so only just had chance to plug it in.

Connection speed of the new router is only 46.9mbps so slightly worse.

I'll give it a few hours but it looks like this is not the solution we were hoping for.




Message 5 of 16

Morning Mark,


Just checking in to see if the router has arrived?







Message 6 of 16

Hi Mark,


The router is on the way. It's usually takes between 24-48hrs to arrive but we'll check back in with you on Tuesday to see how you're getting on.




Michelle 🙂



Message 7 of 16

I'm willing to try anything to try anything to get the stability back.

It's a shame the engineer didn't try another router a month ago.

My current router is a WiFi hub ver: FAST F5364-3. T8.

Thanks for your help Michelle, I should have tried here in the first place... lesson learnt 😀

Message 8 of 16

Hi Mark,


Ok, would you like us to send a replacement router now to see how this compares?






Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 16

The problem is that this one is defective and keeps dropping WiFi which is why it was replaced in the past.


Message 10 of 16

Hi Mark,


Thanks for the update. I've re-checked your connection stats now and I can also see that the sync speed has increased. Would it be possible to keep this router connected over the weekend so we can check on Monday to see if DLM has increased the speed any further? If it does then we can send a replacement router to see how this compares.







Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 16

There was no instability I noticed, just worked OK one day then didn't since.


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 16

Hi Michelle,

I've just connected an old hg633 router and this shows a downstream line rate of 52658 which I'm guessing is an improvement?


Message 13 of 16

Hi Mark,


I understand and I'm sorry to hear this. Usually DLM lowers the speed if the connection has become unstable. Did you notice any instability prior to the drop in speed? Have you also recently tested with a different router?







Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 16

Thanks for the quick reply Michelle.

However, I'm not willing to lose a third day's pay for another engineer visit so a change of provider looks like the only solution.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 15 of 16

Hi Mark,


I'm sorry to hear this. Unfortunately we can't remotely reset DLM from here as this is usually completed by the engineer as part of a fault investigation at the property. I've checked your connection stats now and I can see that the line test is clear. I can see from your post that you've tested the router at the test socket. Have you also tested with a different router?


If all checks have already been completed then we can arrange an engineer visit for you. If you'd like to go ahead with this then please can you confirm acceptance of possible time related engineer charges and also provide a few days availability AM (8-1) or PM (1-6) and we can arrange this for you.



