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FIbre Support

Get expert support with your Fibre connection.

Forum Posts

Very Important -V2 Sagemcom FAST266 Wi-Fi Booster

Do not connect this new version of the FAST266 WiFi booster until you have checked the firmware version on your Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub. The Wi-Fi Hub must be running a minimum of V202 firmware, before attempting to connect this V2 Wi-Fi Booster. If it is...

Weak security warning on AppleIOS and Windows 10 or 11

Some Apple products have recently had an upgrade that can show the WiFi connection as having weak security:- iPad Software Version 14.01 - since the update to Version 14.0 it has shown Weak Security iPhone SE Software Version 14.01 -since the update ...

Privacy warning - this network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic

This subject is involved & not knowing how much you know, or want to know about it, I will try to explain. When you type a website address URL in the browser this must be converted to an IP address, as the URL is not rotatable, only an IP address is....

Resolved! Line profile/DLM stuck at 35000kbps down

My downstream sync speed has been stuck at 35000kbps for a few months now. I've tried leaving the router/modem off for 30 minutes and also tried different modems. I'm on the Fibre 35 package and should be connecting at close to the maximum 40000kbps....

bw27473 by Sightseer
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G.Fast Slow

I had to have a replacement modem sent to me, changing from a MT992 to a Sagemcom 4370 in early November. Before with the MT992 I was getting close to 300mbps down line speed, but now with the Sagemcom 4370 it has never gone above 230mbps. I have tri...

coinup by Team Player
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DLM reset/optimisation

Hello I’ve just installed a new router and I was hoping you could optimise my DSL connection please. I currently appear to be stuck on a DLM profile of 54999 kbps, even though my line is capable of much higher speeds.

New Gfast modem

I have a new modem a Sagemcom F@st 4370, coming from a Huawei MT992 with a Gfast connection. Tested the internet downspeed, where in the past I was getting 280mbps i'm now getting 190mbps. Do I have to wait until the DLM adjusts to the new Modem?

coinup by Team Player
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Bi-Directional Streaming media issue

HiIt's that time of the year that I had to swap router over as yestarday latency was all over the place from 5ms to 200ms constant to packet loss. I heavily use internet for online music rehearsing and yesterday was impossible to play and today also ...

compu by Conversation Starter
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GFAST Upload Speed 1/3rd of what it should be... AGAIN!!!!!

It looks like my 3 year long thread about my continuously dropping upload speeds has been deleted. To cut a long story short... Everytime there is heavy rain my internet keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. As a result of this DLM drops my upload s...

RoyCruse by Conversation Starter
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DLM reset required.

Hi,Can anyone on here arrange a DLM reset on my connection please?Around 6 weeks ago we started getting buffering on streaming services, disney+, Netflix, player, etc.I checked my connection speed and saw it had dropped from the 63kbps it has been fo...


HiI few weeks back has some power failures on the powerstrip where my router is connected, as a result of this seem my line has switched to interleaved. I do not use the Talktalk Hub as this has started causing issues with real time music collaborati...

compu by Conversation Starter
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Resolved! Is it possible that you could reset my DLM with G-Fast please?

This weekend, had problems with my router plus problems with my electric, couldn’t get through to Call Centre so I ditched my Talk Talk router and bought myself a eero6. Before the problems this weekend, router does not work anymore. Cannot connect t...

prescol by Wise Owl
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Internet Unusable - Extremely Slow

Hi, the internet is unusable. The upload has been reduced to 0.18mb and this is the actual sync speed. I have done a line test on Friday 16th which identified a fault - It said Engineer is on the way to the exchange. Fault Reference: REP-14000281 It ...

jamesk89 by Chatterbox
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Line Reset

Is it possible to get a line reset?I think BT were working on some poles close-by and the speeds haven't recovered properly since.  

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 22-07-27 TalkTalk - Service Status.png
Maxine24 by First Timer
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Fibre 65 slow speeds (not matching guaranteed speed)

Upgraded to fibre 65 few weeks ago, still seem to be stuck on the old fibre 35 package. I’ve tried rebooting the router after 30 mins to reset the DLM connection to no avail (using the supplied Sagemcom router/ WiFi Hub) and also my own TP-Link Arche...

kam96 by Team Player
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Unstable internet

HelloMy internet has been unstable for the last 2 weeks, this is the first time I've been able to get to this page because the site never loads.Please can you sort this out?I've tried all the suggested fixes, nothing works. The constant outages have ...

lynne14 by First Timer
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Speed dropped and service becoming unusable

My broadband was working fine with speeds of 52DL 13UL until a few days ago, the router randomly started blinking orange and I lost all service for several hours. When it eventually came back the speeds had dropped to 40DL and 5UL, over the next few ...

Diesel168 by Popular Poster
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FTTC Profile Change Advice

Hi everyone, I had an OpenReach engineer visit today to fix a line fault which caused my internet speed to drop drastically over the past few days. One of the things he mentioned was that I was on an 80/20 line profile but my phone line is made out o...

Screenshot 2023-08-02 181752.png
Vysey by Team Player
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Heavily limited banded connection

Been a few storms around my way recently, I'm now cut down to 40mb from the 50+ I used to get.Stability has returned and even my TalkTalk router says I should be doing much better than this: Any advice or help is appreciated. Thanks.

Screenshot 2023-07-19 223234.png
Setekh79 by Popular Poster
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No Internet - Flashing Orange and Blue light

Hello! We’ve had no internet since the 2nd May and the router just continuously flashes orange and blue. Performed many troubleshooting steps as listed below: - Tried resetting- Tried Factory Reset via physical pin- Left the router device off for ove...

Fibre not working since installation

   Hi, I had Fibre 150 installed 6 Days ago and I have not been able to connect to it via my Eero 6 or my old talktalk router via the Red WAN. Openreach have been out and checked its all installed properly but apart from that no one seems to know wha...

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MickyB93 by Popular Poster
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Possible line reset

Hi, I had a few problems with my line and now my upload has been at 10mb for ages now and won't go back to 20mb which makes for very slow uploads (even though it's not that fast) but have noticed slower browsing as well because of this. Is it possibl...

MikeC78 by Conversation Starter
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