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FIbre Support

Get expert support with your Fibre connection.

Forum Posts

Very Important -V2 Sagemcom FAST266 Wi-Fi Booster

Do not connect this new version of the FAST266 WiFi booster until you have checked the firmware version on your Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub. The Wi-Fi Hub must be running a minimum of V202 firmware, before attempting to connect this V2 Wi-Fi Booster. If it is...

V202 firmware.png

Weak security warning on AppleIOS and Windows 10 or 11

Some Apple products have recently had an upgrade that can show the WiFi connection as having weak security:- iPad Software Version 14.01 - since the update to Version 14.0 it has shown Weak Security iPhone SE Software Version 14.01 -since the update ...

Privacy warning - this network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic

This subject is involved & not knowing how much you know, or want to know about it, I will try to explain. When you type a website address URL in the browser this must be converted to an IP address, as the URL is not rotatable, only an IP address is....

Fibre65 speed Issues

I am on Fibre65 and have been with TalkTalk for about 15 years with no problems-My speeds have now dropped to Download 47.1mbps Upload 0.5mbps.Previously on Fibre65 I was getting Download 67.1mbps Upload 16.4mbps.I have spoke on the chat for over 1hr...

Grantos by Team Player
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Hi, my Internet within the home has gotten worse over last 6 months. Speed to house is a constant 80,but within it's fibre 65. Could it be the router or would an upgrade to fibre 900 be needed

Fibre 65 signal issues

I've been on Fibre 65 for a couple of years now and, initially, it seemed reasonably stable. Then, I was given a Ring doorbell at the beginning of last year. This has worked as expected except that one or more of the doorbell, the battery cam or the ...

durdle by Enlightened One
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Very low upload speeds

Hello, I have the Fibre package (76mbps download and 20mbps upload) and for the past few days my upload speeds are very bad.Download speed seems ok around 70mbps but upload speed is below 1mbps ( 0.2mbps actually). My router is getting 80mbps downloa...

Screenshot 2024-08-18 172853.png
MariusS by Sightseer
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Is upgrading to fibre 65 Just a market Tool

In April 23 as part of my new contract I was offered and upgrade to fibre 65 from my existing fibre 35. This was part of the negotiation to stay with TT. I am not a heavy internet user so didn't really see much change. My nephew has now come to stay ...

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WiFi speed over eero devices

Hi All,Can you please advise what are you wifi speeds over eero pro devices with Full Fibre 900 ? I am not getting more than 500mbps whatever I do. Cable connection is fine - getting over 900 however I cannot run the cables to every device I need fas...

GenMaxiu by First Timer
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Fibre 65

I am almost at the end of my 18 month contract for Fibre 65 and can honestly say I don't feel it has been any better than Fibre 35. Whenever I check my connection and speed I usually get the message there is an error and you are not getting your guar...

dollydee by Team Player
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Resolved! Internet speed not good

I have Fibre 35, which advertises up to 38mbps, tests run today show upload speed of 13.3 and download speed of 0.84 what can I do to get enough speed to be able to use sky stream (which apparently needs at least 25mbps) ??

Shada by Visitor
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Poor Broadband speed

My internet speed has dropped from 74 to 55 but upload is normal at 18. Engineer came to fix my phone problem but the internet still lags. What else can I do to bring my speed back to how it was before these problems started.thanks

kkcob200 by Participant
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Download speed more than halved on fibre 65

I have fibre 65 via a dsl-3782 router provided by talktalk. Previously I was getting 50Mbps download however over the past week this has now dropped to a paltry 23Mbps which is completely substandard for what I am paying for. The current link rate di...

Fibre 150 slow wifi

Hi there, I've had Fibre 150 for about 3 weeks now and having issues with the Wifi coverage and speed. I have a Eero 6 and can see that I am getting 150mbps which is good. However when I am upstairs not very far from the router my Wifi speed that I a...

Spotrock by First Timer
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Firbre 65 hub says no usage

Hi all For the last 14 days my hub has repeatedly logged no usage - I work from home, watch a lot of stuff off the ipad or firestick, my hub is probably used 24/7 as I have CCTV, ringdoorbell then during the day I'm working from say 7 or 8am until 8p...

Problems since Crowdstrike

Ever since the Crowdstrike hack my Internet has dropped from the usual 34Mbps DL - 5Mbps ULto a pathetic 15Mbps DL - 423Kbps ULAlmost 50% below my guaranteed speed of 28Mbps.No it is not my router or some internal wiring it is because of Crowdstrike....

dgsection by Conversation Starter
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Fibre 65 not getting guaranteed speed

Hi, so fibre 65 has just gone live today, was previously on fibre 35 achieving the full 40/10 download/upload.But looking at the sync speed it's not near the guaranteed speed offered in my contract, I'm currently plugged into the the master socket an...

sajid by Whizz Kid
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Broadband speed

Hi, for about a month now my broadband speed has dropped from the usual 74MB/s to 18 and the last check was 48 while upload is around 5. Something definitely wrong with my speed because I do check often but the last month the speed has been very low....

kkcob200 by Participant
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Slow download speed

About once a week my download speed drops to less than 5mbps, it stays like this until I restart my router. As soon as I restart the router the speed is back up to 60+mpbs. This has only started in the last few months, I have never had this kind of p...

Ben256 by First Timer
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reduce download speed and upload speed this was done coming years

Not happy with the speed i'm getting at B10 I have tried everthing on my side, from changing computer, laptop, mobile still the same speed at 55mb and 12mb upload. with a new Internet cable RJ45 still same issue. Use to get 70mb and 18-20 upload spee...

techmind by Conversation Starter
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Fibre in my area ?

When are talktalk going too give us an update on putting real fibre in our area and road

Bowler21 by First Timer
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Broadband speed.

I keep trying to check my broadband speeds and when i do you keep coming back to me with a problem and ask me to try again later. How many times do you want me to try in a week???????? i am fed up of trying and your system keeps going down. Not vey g... availability 2024

Are Talk talk still taking orders for I have recently been swapped over to TT from Shell BB and I have noticed much better costs on the fibre150 service. My only issue is I only have access to and not FTTP (no timescale from BT either)

Ju5ty101 by First Timer
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