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FIbre Support

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Does left hand know what right hand is doing?

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 30 of 30

I currently have a Fibre65 account.  On Jan 13th I received an SMS offering a free full fibre upgrade.  I confimed that I wanted to go ahead and on 30th Jan City Fibre engineer turned up to perform the installation. He did not check my devices before he left, but showed me the three green lights on the black box and said everything should work as before.  It wasn't long before we realised we had no internet connection and a sold amber light on the Router. On speaking with the call centre agents, firstly they had no record of the full fibre intsallation and ended up puting me through to the full fibre team.  I was told I needed to wait for 11 hours for the set up to be activated. The following day I still had no access and went through the whole procedure again.  This time the full fibre agent said he had checked the configuration and that all I needed to was turn off the router, wait 20 minutes and then switch it on again. Same result as before - no access.  On the next call to the call centre I was told that my account was for copper cable not full fibre and that I should disconnect the router from the full fibre box and switch it off and have only the cable from the BT master socket to the 'Broadband' socket on the hub.  Hey presto, it worked, but only at 77 Mbps as previously.  To cap it all I then received an SMS message from TT telling me that they were aware that my new full fibre installation was not active and sent me link to show how the full fibre box and router should be set.  I followed the instructions but again a solid amber light on the Hub (4 green lights on fibre box) and no internet.  What the instructions didn't tell me was whether the BT Master socket should be connected to the Hub or not.  However, I get the same result whether the Master socket is connected at the same time as the fibre box or not.  The only way I can get internet access is to disconnect the full fibre installation and just use the BT master socket!  So much for an upgrade.  Can anyone explain to me how to get set up properly?



Message 21 of 30

Hi Chris/Michelle,

Despite seeing an FTTP number where I would expect to see my home phone number on the speed test page, I am still unable to cxonnect to internet via the OTN box.


Message 22 of 30

Hi Michelle,

I have been talking with Community Star Keuth French about optimising my set-up

I went to the TT site to run a speed test and noticed that where it usually displayed my home phone number it actually showed and FTTP number - so I will add that to the 'Private Notes of Profile as you suggested. AND I will try again to connect to internet via the OTN.

Regards, Vic


Message 23 of 30

Hi Chris/Michelle,

Just a quick update. I mentioned earlier that I received a duplicated cable. Just on a whim I removed the existing cable and reconnected with the duplicate, but it made no difference - still "unidentified public network, local area connection, no network access.".

By the way, when I plugged the cable into the ethernet socket on the laptop the 4th green light on the OTN box illuminated - flickering rather than steady to start with.

Regards, Vic


Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 30

Hi Chris, thanks for picking up this thread,

Doing what you suggest might be an issue: the internal wireless adaper card in my laptop failed some while ago and I now use a USB plug-in device.  Same story with my Office desktop.

However, one of the devices that I attach to the router is a Hive Central Heating controller hub I will try plugging that into the ONT box and then see if I can access the heating controls.

Well that didn't work but it also raises other questions because I can't seem to get it onlne using the 'old' system!

Going back to the laptop, I have tried removing the USB Wireless adapter. To my suprise the wireless connection was maintained so the internal card must be working.  So I disconnected from TalkTalk ID so no wireless connection and then plugged directly into ONT box. Network and Sharing Center in Control Panel reported "unidentified public network", local area connection, no internet access.

However, if we wanted to check the router, does not the fact that I can connect to the internet through it using the broadband to BT Master socket connection prove that the router is working or are we trying to see if the WAN socket might be faulty?

In any case. plugging the laptop directly into the ONT box did not seem to work.




Message 25 of 30

Hi Vic,


Just to clarify, the white cable that plugs into the WAN port of the router, you can remove that from the router and connect it directly to to a device that has an Ethernet port (bypassing the router). It's just a way of checking if the router is potentially causing the problem




Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 26 of 30

Hi Michelle, thanks for responding.


So I am not quite sure what you mean by "connecting directly". At the ONT box I have an incoming cable with a small green connector, a power cable and a white cable with red connector, the other end of which I plug in to the red WAN socket on the router - no intermediate connections, and no other wired connections at the router (for the time being - there are usually). 


I do not have an FTTP order number or any other reference that I can see - simply an SMS message offering the upgrade to which I replied "CONFIRM", accepting the proposed installation date.  A couple of days before the installation I received through the post a package containing the white '"ethernet" cable with the red connectors mentioned above. (I also received a duplicate package the day after the installation)


TIA, Vic


I have been looking at the 'Full Fibre' info' page on TT Community and note that a different "MyAccount" appears to be required for full fibre.  As far as I am aware I have not received any e-mail from TT about setting up a new "MyAccount".  When I log on to TT and go to MyAccount it shows the same information as usual - with FIBRE65 plus TV as the package.  Does this imply that there is some administrative proceedure that needs to be completed to get the full fibre system up and running?


Message 27 of 30



Can I just confirm, does the connection work if you connect directly at the ONT box? Do you have a FTTP order number? If so please can you add this to the Private Notes section of your Community Profile. Please do not post any personal information on the Community.





Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 30

Hi Michell, thanks for your early response. Unfortunately I had things to do first thing so could not respond immediately.

So currently the ONT box is powered up but not connected to the router (because to talk to you I am using the Broadband socket- BT Master socket line) and it shows three constant green lights.  When the Broadband socket- BT Master socket line is disconnected and replaced with the WAN to ONT line I get four steady green lights, but the router, after going through the connection process ends up with a steady amber light. (Currently that light is white because I am connected to the internet through the 'old' set up).


The router is your black Sagecom device, ver. FAST FS364-3 T8, which is obviously working fine because I am sending this message through it.


What I find suprising is that the CityFibre enginner did not check that my devices connected, and left the old BT Master socket connection in place.


Regards, Vic


Support Team
Private Message
Message 29 of 30



I'm sorry to hear this. Just to confirm, specifically what lights are currently on the ONT box and please can you also confirm the make and model of router that you are currently using?

