Get expert support with your Fibre connection.
on 25-01-2025 05:10 PM
Since Monday 20 January 2025 router light flashing amber and not connecting. Following lengthy call via Chat (using mobile data), identified that fibre connection was OK (plugged ethernet cable direct into ONT) so concluded the fault was a faulty router. Replacement router arrived Thursday 23 Jan but exactly the same issue. Router fails to connect (even after ONT switched off for 20 minutes and reset button pressed) - constant amber flashing light. Can still connect laptop to internet via ethernet cable plugged direct into ONT, but doesn't work if plugged into an ethernet port on the router. Tech team on Chat have apparently referred the issue to the back office team, but I've not heard anything further and I keep getting messages from TalkTalk to say it's been fixed! (It hasn't!).
Hi @Raibert41
Please can you create your own topic and we can look into this further for you.
on 29-01-2025 12:40 AM
My TALKTALK router shows white but does not connect to the internet.
I receive this message, “You must log in to this network before you can access the internet” together with, “Open network login page”.
I click on “Open network login page” but nothing happens.
What is the network I must log in to?
on 28-01-2025 07:09 AM
Morning Andy,
I'm really glad to hear this and thank you for letting us know 🙂
on 27-01-2025 05:04 PM
@Michelle-TalkTalk @KeithFrench
Thanks for your help - a guy from Faults escalation telephoned me and the issue was resolved this afternoon. I'm not sure whether he did anything, but apparently there have been faults with the power supplies on Sagemcom routers. I reconnected the replacement router using the replacement power supply as well, and the router booted up within a couple of minutes.
Thank you both for your help.
on 27-01-2025 10:10 AM
Possibly, although I had a spare Sagemcom FAST 5464-2.T4 (sent to resolve a problem 6 months ago, but the original router corrected itself) and I've tried that as well... so there are 3 routers that are not connecting, even though the internet to the house is working! In your experience, could there be a configuration issue that allows internet access via an ethernet cable but not a WiFi router?
on 27-01-2025 10:03 AM
Hi @Andy_H1 @Michelle-TalkTalk
I wouldn't mind betting that the replacement router is faulty.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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on 27-01-2025 08:56 AM
Hi Andy,
Apologies, I should hopefully hear back shortly.
on 27-01-2025 08:50 AM
Thank you Michelle. The Chat tech team did this last Thursday evening - I'm still waiting to hear from Faults escalation!
on 27-01-2025 08:42 AM
Hi Andy,
Thank you. I've escalated this over to our Faults Escalation Team now and I will post back here as soon as I receive an update. It's possible that the team may also try and contact you directly.
on 27-01-2025 08:25 AM
Thanks Keith, yes, ethernet cable plugged into the WAN port on the ONT. More than one ethernet cable tested. I can't see the firmware version on the router because I cannot access the router, but both the old router and the new one provided are Sagemcom FAST 5464-2.T4 models. I can't remember who installed the fibre to the house. It was a year ago and was a sub-contractor to Openreach. The router was not flashing amber when we returned from a few days away last Monday (20 Jan) so might not have been working since Sat 18 Jan.
on 27-01-2025 08:18 AM
Thanks Debbie - details added.
on 27-01-2025 07:45 AM
Hi Andy_H1
I'm sorry to hear this.
Please can you add your name and TalkTalk account number to your Community Profile, we can then take a look at this for you.
on 26-01-2025 01:40 PM
Which Ethernet port in the router are you connecting the ONT to, it must be the red WAN one? When you tested the ONT with a PC, was that using the same cable that normally connects to the router? If not, can you please try another Ethernet cable?
What firmware version is on the new router? Who provided the Full Fibre, was it Openreach, CityFibre or another company?
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?