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Moved house, WiFi not connecting to internet

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Message 14 of 14


Moved house three weeks ago and finally got my “Go live” date today. Open reach engineer swapped the lines over this afternoon but I still get no signal internet signal from my router. I can connect to the WiFi, but get “No internet connection” on my devices. Seen a  cases here where it took over three weeks to sort so very keen to avoid that as get very little phone signal here so very reliant on the WiFi. 

Oddly, on the Router’s IP hub homepage it says it’s connected and getting some 90Mbs download speeds, but nothing loads. Sometimes I received a “500 server error” or “you do not have permission to access” when I try to connect to the WiFi. I have tried all the points below, but nothing has worked, any other ideas I am missing:


- Reseting router to factory settings

- switching router off for >30minutes 

- different cables to the master socket

- different devices


Seen a similar issue on one or two posts (always seems to be related to moving?) but nothing I have tried has fixed it. Appreciate any advice! 


Message 1 of 14

There was an update from Openreach a couple of hours ago saying that it's been escalated to "make the order complete from all applications". They've said that this should be done within one working days so it will possibly complete today or early Monday (There's also a possibility that if it doesn't complete today it will complete over the weekend


I'm sorry this is dragging on but hopefully it won't be much longer




Message 2 of 14

Hi Kate,


I checked earlier and there hadn't been an update so I'll check again now



Message 3 of 14

Any updates Chris? I understand the engineers have finished their work, so keen to do whatever I can to get this resolved before the weekend!! 


Message 4 of 14

Thanks Chris, still no WiFi now which is sad! Spoke to someone on chat and they said that the openreach engineer had finished the works, but the line still needed “activated “which would require another engineer? All in all I believe I’ve been told that there has been three separate visits by three engineers, in three days, with a fourth due tomorrow, but  still no WiFi. 

Whats the process like to “activate the line” from here? Is it likely by tomorrow morning? Just I would love to work from home tomorrow!


Message 5 of 14

Hi Kate,


I've checked on the Openreach portal for updates, it looks like the delay has been caused by a system error. The last note yesterday at 19:24 says to check back today for further updates. I'll check again later to see if there's any more information. Apologies again for the delay



Message 6 of 14

Hi Chris! Thanks for your help. I spoke to someone on live chat yesterday who said that Openreach confirmed the order was completed yesterday on their end, then this morning someone else on live chat said this was not the case and Openreach had not been able to complete the order yesterday. This person assured me this morning that it would be completed by 13:00. But that came and went, and now its 7pm, I assume it is not happening today too? 

Really beginning to pull my hair out! If Openreach were delayed yesterday, I can't understand why they would not have prioritised it today? Seems I am at the back of the queue each time?


Appreciate any insight you can give on the status of my connection!


Message 7 of 14

Thanks Kate,


I've checked the order on the Openreach portal and it's showing that the order will complete today. I'm sorry for the delay but hopefully you'll have service some time today


I'll check back with you in the morning to make sure the order has completed



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Message 8 of 14

Hi Chris, updated there, let me know if there are any other issues!


Message 9 of 14

Thanks Kate, I've sent you a PM requesting a little more information



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Message 10 of 14

Thanks Chris! Sent some details there 🙂 

You're the expert, but it sounds very similar to this case below, white light & hub dashboard saying I have good download/upload speeds, but nothing is coming through.


Message 11 of 14

Hi Kate,


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your service. I've sent you a PM to confirm some details so that we can look into this further




Popular Poster
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Message 12 of 14

Great, thanks for helping out with that. Added my account ID there. 

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 14

I've removed the duplicate thread, @KateT2.


It often seems to happen that a post appears twice when people join! Welcome!


You'll need to add your Talktalk phone number/ account number to your community forum profile details for TT staff to identify your account. 


Add this by going via your avatar/name; settings; Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES. 


Staff will reply during the day (Monday to Friday).

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.