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Away from home on holiday and switched router off in absence. Since my first day back, I get a slow, sporadic broadband service with frequent drop-offs. On third day, while watching TV my Talktalk TV Hub stopped, and no amount of resetting will persuade it to start. I have spent over three hours in two sessions with the tech team who just keep asking me to reset and wait 20 mins. By which time, the agent has disappeared and I am left to start again with someone new.
Everything was tickety-boo before I went on holiday - that will teach me! - and the tech team tell me that there is no external issue to fix from their perspective. They suggest I need to give the router time. I have tried over and over and have had enough. I have had the SageMCom router for two years. What do I do? I cannot face another tech team session. Logic would suggest that the router in some way has become corrupted and I would like a replacement, but the tech team are reluctant. Please help.
Hi Sheila,
I'm sorry to hear this. Just to confirm, is the telephone number in your Community Profile correct? Please do not post any personal information on the Community.
Yes we waited over 30 mins - but no improvement. TBH we cannot face the weekend without any TV or internet so have escaped to stay with a friend. We had reinserted all the TV cables before I put up the post as that was one of the things I was asked to do. Really don't what to try next. I keep thinking that is a corrupted router - am I on the right track?
Have you tried turning off for 30 minutes as I suggested.
Then leave it on to see if line management resets the line over the next 24 to 48 hours.
Re the TV try checking the HDMI cable. This won't need the internet to check.
Just did the pinhole reset, made no difference. Very limited access to internet. If anything it is worse. Have left the TV for the moment as I don't think I will make much progress without proper internet access. I am just going around in circles and don't know what to do next. Can someone from Talktalk please suggest what I should do. I cannot face the ordeal of the tech team being sent on another wild goose chase!
No signal may be coming from the TV rather than the box itself. To check this press and hold the home button with the box on. If you get the apps then there is something wrong with the box, so try the reset I suggest.
If you get nothing but the no signal then the signal from the box is not getting through to the TV and may be something as simple as the HDMI cable having come lose or become faulty.
Check the cable is in properly at both ends or try another HDMI cable. You will need a 4k rated cable to ensure getting the best picture to your TV but any should do for this test.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your suggestions. I did try a pinhole reset but I am not sure it "clicked" so had intended to try it once more. With regards to the TV, I cannot get into the menu as it just says "no signal". The screen is basically blank. I was watching it when it suddenly went blank. My husband and I went on holiday for quite a few weeks which is why we turned off the router as my husband is paranoid about a router overheating and setting fire to the block of flats we live in! I will let you know about my success when I get home as I am having to type this from another location.
Oh, should have said, you'll need to do the TV with the router connected to the internet as it needs this during setup.
Unfortunately in this day and age, routers are meant to stay on.
If you have tried a number of resets then the line management system can record these on offs as being a line fault. Not sure why this should affect your TV though.
Re the router, have you tried since being back, a pinhole reset? This will restore the router to factory settings. It will mean the password is reset to its original value, if you have changed this at any time.
If that does not help, tryturning it off for at least 30 minutes, as it will start a new session.
After this don't try a reset as if left on the line management system DLM, should register it as being constant and gradually restored the connection.
Regarding the TV, is the box not switching on or is it just not resetting?
I'm assuming you tried the factory reset from the settings menu.
There is another reset you could try which is more of a maintenance reset, but should hopefully work, where the factory reset has not. Instructions can be found here
Hope this helps and please let us know how you get on