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Renew contract questions

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 40 of 40

I am up for renewal and been offered fibre 65 (what I have now) or Full fibre 150 both for the same price of £28.

Will the full Fibre 150 come with the Eero because its no use for me as most of my devices are connected via wire and they do not have wifi capability.

Looking at photos of the back of the Eero am I right in thinking that it only has 2 ports for a wired connection.

Is there a faster option than my current fibre 65 that is not Full fibre -one that I do not need a new line/cable installing from the pole to my house.

Thank you community.


Message 21 of 40

They used a splice machine. If you don't want it at the front of the house then the engineer can arrange it for elsewhere, within reason. You do have the option to discuss that at the time. I have to say in all honesty though that replicating the current path as you have described may not be feasible. For me, that's just the way my setup was with the old copper line and it doesn't bother me in the least.

Message 22 of 40

Mine will be from above. That black cable looks that same as the one that goes into the external box. I dont see the need for the external box.

Did they use a splice machine or was the one from the ground just plugged into a terminus in the outside box. 


Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 40

I do not want an external fibre termination box on the front of the house.

I have a house extension set back 1/2 a brick with integral garage with a bedroom above. there is a tiled canopy from the front door to the end of the extension covering the garage door and currently the copper cable comes down from the eves running in the corner of the 1/2 brick step back into the canopy roof space in the corner then into the garage through a hole in the wall and then into to house from the garage. The BT box and router are directly on the other side of the garage wall in the house at the front of the house.

Is there any reason why the new full fibre cable cannot follow the same path and the termination box  be sited in the integral garage out of sight. And for that matter the ONT - I have power for it in the garage.


Message 24 of 40

Personally, I was interested (sad?) enough to ask my installing engineer if I could watch the fitting process! The incoming cable is indeed connected to the entry box and then a separate run connected through the wall to the ONT inside. Here's what my installation looks like. Bear in mind that this is Openreach rather than another supplier. And I was lucky enough to have the fibre cable blown underground via existing ducting. 



Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 25 of 40

I can only think that the pole cable is stiffer and less flexible than the one that goes through the wall to the ONT.

So is there any arc splicing involved or does the cable from the pole just "plug" into a terminal in the external fibre termination box.


Message 26 of 40

I don't have an explanation for that, it's just what they do. 

Message 27 of 40

Thanks @ferguson for the explanation of the fibre 150 "stopgap"

I understand the fitting of the full fibre just not the need to have an external fibre termination box which they then need to splice to a shorter cable to go through the wall to the ONT.



Message 28 of 40

Fibre 150 will only be available in very limited areas, probably not at all if you have Full Fibre available to you. It is a G.Fast product which is essentially a souped up FTTC service. Introduced by Openreach a few years back as a stop gap and being phased out along with other copper based services. Full Fibre requires the cable to enter your home and then connect directly to an ONT, think of that as working like a modem from which you can then connect your router. 

Message 29 of 40

Another question is does there need to be the outside box that then goes into the property and then connects to the ONT.

Why cant the cable from the post go directly into the house like the old copper.

Is it because the black post cable is sort of strong and armoured and not easily connected to the ONT


Message 30 of 40

With the help of @Gliwmaeden2 first reply I have done some more reading and now understand what is involved with the install of Full fibre and if I do go for it then I can order the sagecom hub 2 and simply plug my phone line directly into that and still have my 4 ports. Rather than Eero which would also need an extra adapter for VOIP and I wouldnt have the 4 ports.


I dont see the benefit in going Full fibre 150 if I can have fibre 150 without all the extra cabling and fitting and socket.

The small print tells me that normal 150 is available but at a cost of £35 when Full fibre 150 is £28. There is a further complication that I currently have a deal with an all calls boost that I need to negotiate.


Message 31 of 40

I have been away so could not answer. Thank you for all your help - I actually welcome all input.

I found the bit about the small print was interesting and helpful.



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 32 of 40

Topic now reopened for the original poster to follow up. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 33 of 40

@Marvel, I am locking this thread as your topic has been hijacked by another customer. 


I hope you have found a suitable deal. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 34 of 40


You've hammered that point in the past (and that's good), that if one wants VOIP, whether a new customer, or an existing customer upgrading, you have to specifically mention that, while entering a new contract. It would be nice if new customers were aware of that, which they won't be.


Now, at,

I was hoping to find something of substance as an existing customer  i.e. 'deals' as an existing customer. I did not find it.


'Small Print'  does not mention whether it's for new or existing customers. I can't see why it would be for one or the other.

So the 'Small Print'  should include something about VOIP , seeing that it is 'Small Print' .


Thank you.




Message 35 of 40

VOIP with Talktalk can only be fixed up by phoning in or using Chat at the same time as placing the order, @Billx.


They are not offering it as a deal for new customers and so doesn't show. 


It can't be added separately later even by current customers, nor through My Account, hence it not showing on the Web interface. 


Anyway, the original customer has specified that they don't want full fibre but do want faster speeds.


Please don't clutter up their thread with this red herring. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 36 of 40


When you go to that page,, there is no indication that there might be something below the bottom of the screen. The only indication is to login to your account, as an existing customer.

Yes, there is something below the bottom of the screen, and right at at the bottom of the page, there is 'Small Print'

However, the 'Small Print' is NOT complete. For instance, in my case I have 'Full Fibre 65 with VOIP'. Nowhere can I find that specification, or any other specification mentioning VOIP.

Thanks, @Gliwmaeden2 



Message 37 of 40

@Billx, I was referring to the small print on that page, if you read more carefully. 



That equips customers to phone / Chat, as I specifically mentioned, & I never recommend going through the My Account route. 


Thank you!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 38 of 40

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


That link,

forces one to log in to MyAccount, from there you have to choose 'Upgrades and offers', which does not provide anything useful. It just offers one or two TV add-ons, or a bribe when one 'Refers a friend to TalkTalk'.

Thanks, @Gliwmaeden2 



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 39 of 40

Call 03451 720088 or Chat, @Marvel.


If you tell them you don't want the Eero they should be able to send a Sagemcom Hub2, which allows the phone to simply slot into the router.


Order with VOIP at the same time as the full fibre order.


That router still has 4 slots for ethernet. 


Staff are not back on here before Monday. 


There does still seem to be a FTTC Fibre150 available if you want to put off the Full Fibre option for now, but CHECK.


All possible deals are listed in the small print, here, but not necessarily available everywhere:


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.