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FIbre Support

Get expert support with your Fibre connection.

Without reliable broadband for months, without ANY broadband for days

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 22

My broadband connection has been slow and unreliable for months. I have had several Openreach visits to "resolve" the issue. Since Saturday I have had no broadband at all.


My router initially stopped showing a network name, and discussions with help suggested sending out a new router would resolve the issue (still not arrived).


Since Sunday 19th my original router had been showing a network name. When I connect to the router homepage it shows as "connected" (still at half normal speed), but cannot provide internet.


My wife and I both work from home so having no broadband at all is a major inconvenience, to say the least. I am concerned that when the router does arrive that it will not resolve the issue and our period of being left with no service will be prolonged. I have an old router which I have attempted to use, but I get a similar outcome, the router appears to connect (judging by lights on front) but cannot provide internet.


Can anyone please advise or assist?


Support Team
Private Message
Message 21 of 22

Morning David,


I'm sorry to hear this. I've run a test on your line now which has detected a potential fault. Can I just check, is the voice service affected and do you have a dial tone? Does your main socket have a test socket? If it does then is the microfilter and router currently connected to the test socket at the moment please?



